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Security: SlaughterCountyBrewing/SCBEmpHandbook


Key / Alarm / Security Policy

We are required by State and Federal law (since we produce alcohol) to keep our property secure at all times. We do so with industry standard locks, alarms, and other security measures.

As such, keeping our keys, alarm codes, and security details under company control is critically important to our business and our licensing. This is a significant monetary investment we’ve made in Slaughter County Brewing Company. One which could amount to immeasurable damage and loss if neglected or abused.

By entrusting you with keys and alarm codes, you become fully responsible for those items. We are trusting you won’t abuse this privilege. Codes, keys and knowledge of our security measures are to be kept secured, not disclosed to outside parties, and not duplicated and/or distributed without prior consent of a company executive.

There aren’t any published security advisories