- On Windows you will probably need to install the appropriate version of Rtools for your version of R. On linux, I think everything you need should just be there.
- On Windows, make sure the appropriate paths are on the system path. I use the command:
set PATH=C:\R\R-2.14.1\bin;C:\Rtools\bin;C:\Rtools\MinGW\bin;C:\Rtools\MinGW64\bin;%PATH%
from a batch file on my machine.
- from the directory above the simplexample directory, run the command:
R CMD INSTALL --build simplexample
to build the windows version (simplexample_<version>.zip) of the package, and
R CMD build simplexampleto build the gzip version (simplexample_<version>.gz) of the package.
- The version number is specified in the DESCRIPTION file in the top level folder.
- To learn more about packages, look at the PDF document accessible under Help -> Manuals (in PDF)-> "Writing R Extensions" from the R GUI. If you can't find it on your local system, Google for "R-exts.pdf"... or just go here.