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Food Delivery App

A full-stack Food Delivery application built with the MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js) stack. This project is divided into three sections: Admin Panel, Front-end, and Back-end. It includes features for food management, user authentication, food ordering, cart management, order tracking, and payment integration.


Admin Panel

  • Add Food: Admins can add new food items.
  • Delete Food: Admins can delete existing food items.

User Authentication

  • Register: Users can create an account.
  • Login: Users can log in to their accounts.
  • Logout: Users can log out of their accounts.

User Features

  • Order Food: Users can browse and order food items.
  • Add to Cart: Users can add items to their cart.
  • Track Orders: Users can track their orders.
  • Payment: Users can pay for their orders using Stripe.

Tech Stack

  • Frontend: React.js
  • Backend: Node.js, Express.js
  • Database: MongoDB
  • Authentication: JWT (JSON Web Token)
  • Payment: Stripe
  • Packages:
    • bcrypt and bcryptjs for password hashing
    • cors for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing
    • jsonwebtoken for JWT token management
    • multer for file uploads
    • validator for data validation