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Releases: SoftwareDesignLab/SBOM-in-a-Box


25 Mar 21:02
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Release Notes

Made Open Source Integration (OSI) compatible with MacOS


  • SBOMs now generate on MacOS

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v9.2.0a...v9.2.1.a


30 Nov 20:02
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Release Notes

Add SBOM Repair and overhaul OSI for easier customization. The full changelog can be found here


Repair SBOM Fields

  • HashFixes - Suggests a list of fixes for invalid hashes and hashing algorithms
  • LicenseFixes - Suggests a list of fixes for deprecated licenses
  • PURLFixes - Use data stored in sbom to generate correct PURLs
  • CPEFixes - Use data stored in sbom to generate correct CPEs
  • Null copyright checks - use package manger files to check for copyrights

CycloneDX 1.4 XML Support

  • Support upload and manipulation of xml sboms for CycloneDX



  • New manipulate package to alter SVIPSBOM data
  • New toSchema package to convert SVIPSBOMs into SBOMs



  • SBOM components objects are now compared by name and version
  • Changed the max packet size for MySQL to 256M
  • Minor changes to QAPipeline to support Repair


  • Mismatched port inside OSI container that caused issues when using OSI API
  • Small typos with SPDX serialization

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v8.0.5a...v9.2.0a


18 Oct 01:49
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Release Notes

Numerous bugfixes and QoL changes. The full changelog can be found here


  • Added SBOM Generation support by two methods via API:
    • Open Source Integration (OSI)
      • Generate an aggregate SBOM from a number of Open Source SBOM generators
      • Additional details can be found here
    • SVIP Generation
      • SVIP generation uses regex and natural language processing techniques to parse source code for dependencies used in the code.
      • Uses dependency manifest files ( pom.xml, package.json, etc ) to enhance with additional information, but are not required
      • Additional details and CLI usage can be found here


  • Refactor database into more robust structure to support future usage of SBOM, VEX, Quality Report, and Diff Report files
  • Refactor API into services and controllers
  • Refactor OSI into standalone service that can be used outside of SVIP
  • Restructure directory structure to by features

Known Issues

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v7.1.2a...v8.0.5a


01 Aug 14:24
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First stable release of the SBOM Visualization and Integration Platform. The full changelog can be found here

  • Open Source Integrated SBOM Generation: Makes use of open source SBOM Generator Tools to generate SBOMs
  • SBOM Generation: Custom SBOM generation via source file and package manager file analysis
  • Vulnerability Exploitability eXchange (VEX) Generation: Generate VEX documents from SBOMs
  • SBOM Metrics: Grade SBOMs using a series of metric tests
  • SBOM Comparison: Compare SBOMs to identify key differences between them
  • SBOM Merging: Merge SBOMs into a single unified document

Known Issues

  • SBOM Generation with the API is semi-unstable
  • Serialization and Deserialization of SBOMs are still in early development stages and occasionally have translation errors
  • OSI Container rarely but occasionally fails to run startup script
  • OSI XML Support is deprecated


The CI/CD SBOMs generated on release do not arcuately represent SVIP. This is a known issue, the CI/CD SBOM generator includes component information from test SBOMs that are unrelated to SVIP. Please disregard any data originated from any test/resources directory