A basic GitHub repository with documentation and code of Hungrily,a WiTACE 2021 Hackathon Solution using IBM Watson Assitant and GeoJson which create a common medium to connect the volunteers and users through a data-driven AI-based platform. This web application will enable the one in need to connect with their helper with just a single 'text'.
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A huge section of the world is going through hunger problems because of financial issues, mis-management and failure in locating people who are starving. In many cases we fail to connect the resources with needy ones. Thus this needs a solution in such dire situations.
In this pandemic situation, technology can help managing the resources and reaching out the needy ones in a smarter and time efficient manner, contributing to the larger welfare.
It's the need of the hour to use the mastery of technologies and mend the gaps, striving towards the common goal of zero hunger all over. Thus, creating a common medium to connect the volunteers (food providers) and users (needy people) through a data driven AI based platform using the IBM tech support, a set of open source tools and Watson Services. This web application will enable the one in need to connect with their helper with the effort of just a single 'text'.
- The user navigates to the site and interacts with the chatbot to laudge a food request to nearby volunteers.
- The platform performs a GeoJson query to find a volunteer within a closed radius of 2kms from the point of request and assigns a food request to them.
- The GeoJson feature is constructed and displayed in a mapbox as a heatmap layer for providing data driven decisions.
- The data collected from both ends are further collected and stored in MongoDB for establishing connection.
The project currently does the following things.
- It enables the user to request food and get assigned volunteer details via IBM watson assistant.
- It enables volunteers to see all the requests assigned to them.
- It features a world heatmap displaying areas with the most food requests.
- It features a geoJson query based algorithm to fetch the nearest volunteer with respect to an user.
- It further aims towards the implementation of DTN(Delay-tolerant networking) technology to connect the user and the volunteer through a virtual map, increasing the accuracy of location detection.
It's in a free tier IBM Cloud Kubernetes cluster. In the future we plan to run on Red Hat OpenShift, for example.
See below for our proposed schedule on next steps after WitAce 2021 submission.
- IBM Cloudant - The NoSQL database used
- IBM Cloud Functions
- The compute platform for handing logic
- IBM API Connect
- React and Node JS
- Watson Services
- MongoDB Express
Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
We use Github for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
This project is licensed under the Apache 2 License - see the LICENSE file for details.
- Based on real time applications.