LibreTranslate Helpers for Alliance Auth.
- AA-Discordbot Cog for translation of messages on discord.
- Install the app with your venv active
pip install allianceauth-translate-tool
to your INSTALLED_APPS list in -
Add the below lines to your
settings file, Changing the contexts to yours.
## Settings for AA-Translate-Tool
# URL of the self hosted libretranslate instance
AA_TRANSLATIONS_URL = "http://URL_to_api:5000"
# Optional Api Key
AA_TRANSLATIONS_API_KEY= "i was generated from libretranslate"
# Languages we allow in the tool. list of ("Display Name", "language code")
AA_TRANSLATIONS_LANGUAGES = [] # [("українець", "uk")]
Seems to be CPU bound using around 2gb of memory. On a 2 core, 4gb instance it takes around a minute to translate 60 words.