if you want to learn how to programing,click here to freecodecamp.
"I understand that plagiarism means copying someone else’s work and presenting the work as if it were my own, without clearly attributing the original author."
"I understand that plagiarism is an act of intellectual dishonesty, and that people usually get kicked out of university or fired from their jobs if they get caught plagiarizing."
"Aside from using open source libraries such as jQuery and Bootstrap, and short snippets of code which are clearly attributed to their original author, 100% of the code in my projects was written by me, or along with another person going through the freeCodeCamp curriculum with whom I was pair programming in real time."
"I pledge that I did not plagiarize any of my freeCodeCamp.org work. I understand that freeCodeCamp.org’s team will audit my projects to confirm this."
- Build a Survey Form Code | Project
- Build a Tribute Page Code | Project
- Build a Technical Documentation Page Code | Project
- Build a Product Landing Page Code | Project
- Build a Personal Portfolio Webpage Code | Project
- Palindrome Checker Code
- Roman Numeral Converter Code
- Caesars Cipher Code
- Telephone Number Validator Code
- Cash Register Code
- Build a Random Quote Machine Code | Project
- Build a Markdown Previewer Code | Project
- Build a Drum Machine Code | Project
- Build a JavaScript Calculator Code | Project
- (New) Responsive Web Design
- JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures
- Front End Development Libraries
- Data Visualization
- Relational Database (Beta)
- Back End Development and APIs
- Quality Assurance
- Scientific Computing with Python
- Data Analysis with Python
- Information Security
- Machine Learning with Python
- College Algebra with Python
- Coding Interview Prep
- Project Euler
- Legacy Responsive Web Design