FrameUI is a Minecraft plugin library designed for developers to easily create and manage screens within the server.
At its core, a Screen
represents a visual interface displayed on one or more item frames, which can be customized to show various content.
Each Screen
uses a Renderer
implementation to define how its content is visually represented, allowing developers to customize the logic
for rendering. On the other hand, the ScreenSpawner
implementation is used to define how to manage the lifecycle of screens, how they are created, updated
and despawned.
The library itself provides a BufferedImageRenderer
implementation that renders a BufferedImage
on a Screen
. It also provides
the PacketScreenSpawner
as an implementation for ScreenSpawner
that uses packets to spawn, update and despawn the screens in the Minecraft World.
Map data is sent through packets as well.
They also support click and scroll interactions, allowing for dynamic player interactions. Developers can customize the permissions for these actions and define their max interaction distance to trigger the event. Server owners can also disable these features entirely via the config.