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《 ✔️ Accepted 》
《 ✔️ Accepted 》
Feature or issue has been accepted for work
《 ♿ Accessibility 》
《 ♿ Accessibility 》
Related to accessibility improvements.
《 ️‍🩹 ​Broken 》
《 ️‍🩹 ​Broken 》
Indicates that something is broken
《 🐛 Bug 》
《 🐛 Bug 》
Identifies a bug or issue in the code
《 🛑 Canceled 》
《 🛑 Canceled 》
Work on the item has been canceled
《 🧹 Cleanup 》
《 🧹 Cleanup 》
For code or resource cleanup tasks
《 📋 Comments 》
《 📋 Comments 》
For discussions and comments
《 ⚙️ Configuration 》
《 ⚙️ Configuration 》
Relates to project configuration settings
《 💥 ​Crash 》
《 💥 ​Crash 》
Marks a critical issue, usually a crash
《 📦 Dependency 》
《 📦 Dependency 》
Related to managing project dependencies
《 🍂 Deprecated 》
《 🍂 Deprecated 》
Marks features or code that are deprecated
《 🛠️​ Development 》
《 🛠️​ Development 》
Marks items under active development
《 📚 Docs 》
《 📚 Docs 》
Documentation-related tasks
《 🏗️ ​Doesn't compile 》
《 🏗️ ​Doesn't compile 》
Indicates code that doesn't compile
《 ​📜​ Duplicate 》
《 ​📜​ Duplicate 》
Indicates a duplicate issue or feature request
《 📝 Edited 》
《 📝 Edited 》
Shows that the item has been edited
《 ✨ ​Enhancement 》
《 ✨ ​Enhancement 》
Represents an enhancement or improvement
《 ⚗️ Experimentation 》
《 ⚗️ Experimentation 》
For experimental or research work
《 💡 Feature Request 》
《 💡 Feature Request 》
Indicates requests for new features
《 🔄 Feedback 》
《 🔄 Feedback 》
Collects user feedback and suggestions
《 🐛 Fix 》
《 🐛 Fix 》
Indicates a fix for a previously reported bug
《 💬 Idea 》
《 💬 Idea 》
Represents an idea or suggestion
《 ​⭐ Improvement 》
《 ​⭐ Improvement 》
Signifies an improvement to existing features
《 🚧 In progress 》
《 🚧 In progress 》
Work is currently in progress
《 ​❌​ Invalid 》
《 ​❌​ Invalid 》
Marks issues or features as invalid
《 🌐 Localization 》
《 🌐 Localization 》
Relates to localization and internationalization
《 🛠️​ Major Update 》
《 🛠️​ Major Update 》
Indicates a major update to the project
《 🛠️​ Minor Update 》
《 🛠️​ Minor Update 》
Signifies a minor update to the project
《 ✨ New 》
《 ✨ New 》
Represents new features or additions
《 🛠️​ Patch Update 》
《 🛠️​ Patch Update 》
Marks a patch update to the project