Viviparidae is a auto-commit tool for git.
Just run Viviparidae on your working directory. And Viviparidae make a temporary branch, and auto committing all changes in your working directory.
For all that, you can still use a original branches.
Just run Viviparidae on your working directory like next commands. I recommend using background processing.
cd /path/to/your/wroking/directory
python /path/to/ >> /path/to/viviparidae.log~ &
Viviparidae monitoring your working directory, and find all changes include create and delete.
If found some change, first of all, Viviparidae staging all changes in your working branch.
And Viviparidae make new temporary branch - if it isn't a first commit of this branch, it just checkout to the branch and commit everything.
Finally it return to your working branch.
So, your all works is saved in Viviparidae branch and staged in your branch.
In addition, If you manually commit to your branch, Viviparidae remove all temporary commits. Because it's no need after the commit.
Viviparidae needs the GitPython
and watchdog
- GitPython
- watchdog
You can try next command.
pip install gitpython watchdog
MIT License. See the LICENSE file.