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MastoPHP is a small library who provide a way to talk with a Mastodon instance. Fork of TootoPHP


Actually, it's possible to :

  • Retrieve a user profile
  • Retrieve a user's favorites
  • Retrieve a user's followers
  • Retrieve a user's following
  • Get authenticated user's notifications
  • Retrieve a user's statuses
  • Post a new status, with medias and visibility


MastoPHP needs only PHP 5.4 or later and the cURL librairie.


To install, you need only the 'MastoPHP' folder and its 3 files. In your script, simply include the 'autoload' file :

require 'mastophp/autoload.php';


For MastoPHP to work, you must follow these steps :

Step 1 : Register your App

For example, see the 1-register_app.php file.

Object Creation

$MastoPHP = new MastoPHP\MastoPHP('@[email protected]');

You must give your instance as unique parameter, like

Register App

$app = $MastoPHP->registerApp('YourAppName', '');

Give 2 parameters to this method :

  • Application Name, like MastoPHP
  • Your website URL, like

To know if eveything is okay, you can do this :

if ( $app === false) {
    throw new Exception('Problem during register app');
else {
    // Everything is good ;)

Get Auth URL

Auth URL will be used to let your app talk to Mastodon API. When your app is registered, do this :

echo $app->getAuthUrl();

An URL will be displayed. Copy and access it in your browser. Accept your app use Mastodon, and the page will provide you with a security token. Copy it.

Be carefull, this token is valid only 1 time.

You have now to register your access token and authenticate.

Step 2 : Register your token

For example, see the 2-register_token_and_authentify.php file.

Register App

Create your object and register your app with the same credentials like above :

$MastoPHP = new MastoPHP\MastoPHP('@[email protected]');
$app = $MastoPHP->registerApp('YourAppName', '');

Register your token

Now, take your access token and put it in this request :


Your security token is now registered.


You can now to authenticate with your own credentials :

$app->authentify("[email protected]", "Your_Password");

You can now use MastoPHP :)


Create your object and register your app with the same credentials like above :

$MastoPHP = new MastoPHP\MastoPHP('@[email protected]');
$app = $MastoPHP->registerApp('YourAppName', '');

Now, you can use requests.


Get Authenticated User


This will return the authenticated user's account, as an associative array :

Attribute Description
id The ID of the account
username The username of the account
acct Equals username for local users, includes @domain for remote ones
display_name The account's display name
locked Boolean for when the account cannot be followed without waiting for approval first
created_at The time the account was created
followers_count The number of followers for the account
following_count The number of accounts the given account is following
statuses_count The number of statuses the account has made
note Biography of user
url URL of the user's profile page (can be remote)
avatar URL to the avatar image
avatar_static URL to the avatar static image (gif)
header URL to the header image
header_static URL to the header static image (gif)

Get an other user


Return account's user as an associative array (like above). $id is ID's user, like 1629

Getting an account's followers

$app->getFollowers($id, $params);

This will return all followers from an account. $id : (optionnal) ID's user. If not given, authenticated user's ID will be used $params : (optionnal) Associative parameters array. Parameters can be :

  • limit : Maximum number of accounts to get (Default 40, Max 80)
  • max_id : Get a list of followers with ID less than or equal this value
  • since_id : Get a list of followers with ID greater than this value

Return an array of accounts, like above.

Getting who account is following


$id : (optionnal) ID's user. If not given, authenticated user's ID will be used Returns all users following the user, as an array of accounts like above.


Getting user's statuses

$app->getStatuses($id, $params);

This will return all statuses from an account. $id : (optionnal) ID's user. If not given, authenticated user's ID will be used $params : (optionnal) Associative parameters array. Parameters can be :

  • only_media : If true, only return statuses that have media attachments
  • exclude_replies : If true, skip statuses that reply to other statuses

Return an array of statuses. Statuses are associative arrays :

Attribute Description
id The ID of the status
uri A Fediverse-unique resource ID
url URL to the status page (can be remote)
account The Account which posted the status
in_reply_to_id null or the ID of the status it replies to
in_reply_to_account_id null or the ID of the account it replies to
reblog null or the reblogged Status
content Body of the status; this will contain HTML (remote HTML already sanitized)
created_at The time the status was created
reblogs_count The number of reblogs for the status
favourites_count The number of favourites for the status
reblogged Whether the authenticated user has reblogged the status
favourited Whether the authenticated user has favourited the status
sensitive Whether media attachments should be hidden by default
spoiler_text If not empty, warning text that should be displayed before the actual content
visibility One of: public, unlisted, private, direct
media_attachments An array of Attachments
mentions An array of Mentions
tags An array of Tags
application Application from which the status was posted

Getting user's favourites


Returns an array of Statuses favourited by the authenticated user.


You can fetch a list of notifications for the authenticated user :


Return an array of Notifications. Notifications are associative array like this :

Attribute Description
id The notification ID
type One of: "mention", "reblog", "favourite", "follow"
created_at The time the notification was created
account The Account sending the notification to the user
status The Status associated with the notification, if applicable

Post a new status

MastoPHP give you possibility to toot a new status from PHP :

$app->postStatus('@[email protected] This status is posted by #PHP #MastoPHP');

3 parameters are supported :

  • $content : The text of the status
  • $visibility : (optionnal) Toot's visibility. Either "direct", "private", "unlisted" or "public"
  • $medias : (optional) array of media IDs to attach to the status (maximum 4)

Medias can be upload with the following method :

Create an attachement


Only the path to the media is needed. Returns an Attachment that can be used when creating a status.

Attachment is an associative array :

Attribute Description
id ID of the attachment
type One of: "image", "video", "gifv"
url URL of the locally hosted version of the image
remote_url For remote images, the remote URL of the original image
preview_url URL of the preview image
text_url Shorter URL for the image, for insertion into text (only present on local images)

To use them in a new status, specify their IDs in a array like this :

// Create Attachments
$img1 = $app->createAttachement("/home/StefOfficiel/Pictures/MastoPHP.png");
$img2 = $app->createAttachement("/home/StefOfficiel/Pictures/mastodonauth.png");

// Post the new status with both medias
$app->postStatus('This is a test with #MastoPHP #PHP', 'public', [$img1['id'], $img2['id']]);

Enjoy !


Credentials and tokens are saved in a JSON file MastoPHP_instance_unique_key.json, in the 'MastoPHP' dir. Make it writable on App's register and readable next.


Fork de TootoPHP







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