The BurgerMasters App is a dynamic online store catering to clients seeking effortless food delivery. This store empowers customers to curate their ideal orders by seamlessly adding or removing items to/from their carts Additionally, clients enjoy the convenience of revisiting their previous orders. For administrators, the BurgerMasters App grants comprehensive control. Admins possess the authority to create, edit, and delete products. A dedicated page is reserved for showcasing products exclusively crafted by the admin. In addition, administrators are equipped with the ability to manage orders seamlessly. They can effortlessly accept, reject, or revoke order acceptances.
When the user starts the app he's redirected to the home page.
The three buttons on the right side of the navbar are: 1. The home button leads the user to the home page if not logged. 2. The login button leads to the login page. 3. The register button leads to the register page.
The login form asks for the user's email and password. Validation for the input fields is implemented.<
The register form asks for - Username - Email - Address - Birthdate, - Password - Confirm password. It also has validations.
Upon entering an incorrect password, the login form for registered users displays an error validation message.
Upon successful login user is redirected to the menu page with updated navigation bar.
The menu has - Burgers - Sandwiches - Fries - Drinks - Hot-dogs - Grills - Salads Every menu page has search and sort by price ascending/descending order, portion size, name.
When a user adds an item to their cart from the menu page, a side cart popup appears.
Clicking on "Cart" in the navigation bar or using the side cart checkout button opens a cart page for the product, where you can view information about each product and the total order price.
After placing an order, the cart is emptied, and you are redirected to the "My Orders" page, where you can view information about your previous orders.
Clicking on "Review" opens a page where you can share your opinion about the restaurant. If you are the creator of the comment or an administrator, you have the ability to delete it. Review comments utilize SignalR for two-way communication.
When the admin logs in, their navigation bar appears as follows. For testing purposes, the admin has the same permissions as a normal user.
The admin has the ability to create new products.
The admin has a page called "MyPosts", which is identical to the menu page, but it is exclusively meant for editing and deleting products.
The admin has the capability to accept or decline orders from clients.
If an order is mistakenly accepted, the admin can undo the acceptance, which will return the order to the order page.
- ASP.Net Core 6.0
- EntityFramework Core 6.0.1
- AutoMapper 12.0
- Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.Swagger 6.4
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity 6.0.1
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer 6.0.9
- React
- MSSQL Server
- NUnit 3.13.3
- NUnit3TestAdapter 4.3.1
- Moq 4.18.2
- Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.InMemory 6.0.11
- GitHub
- GitHub Desktop