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The ESP_ConfigStorage library is an extension of the standard ESP EEPROM library. It extends the functionality of the original Arduino EEPROM library with:
- Reading, Writing Configuration, passwords, host info etc
- Provided get, set standard naming convension
This package can be downloaded in different manners
- By directly loading fetching the Archive from GitHub:
- Go to https://github.com/thijse/Arduino-EEPROMEx **
- Click the DOWNLOAD ZIP button in the panel on the
- Rename the uncompressed folder Arduino-EEPROMEx-master to EEPROMEx.
- You may need to create the libraries subfolder if its your first library.
- Place the EEPROMEx library folder in your arduinosketchfolder/libraries/ folder.
- Restart the IDE.
boolean setWiFiMode(String data);
boolean setSSID(String data);
void setProtection(byte data);
boolean setPassword(String data);
boolean setHostname(String data) ;
void setConfigMode(byte data);
boolean setIP(String data);
boolean setGateway(String data);
boolean setSubnet(String data);
String getWiFiMode();
String getSSID();
boolean getProtection();
String getPassword();
String getHostname();
boolean getConfigMode();
String getIP();
String getGateway();
String getSubnet();
Simple Configuration storage library for ESP8266
Provides class for storing and retrieving configuration of ESP8266 with ease.