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The motive is to help the viewers of the Coding Decoded Channel land the job of their dreams and become better engineer! It is the one-stop solution for all your technical knowledge. Its primary focus is to help viewers build strong
- Data structures and algorithm concepts
- Coding Aptitude
- System Design
- Building Interviewing Aptitude
- Deciphering Interviewer's mindset
- Motivational talks
So far over since Aug,2020 we have solved 1000+ problems and published their video solutions. We daily publish solutions to leetcode monthly challenges. We also solve leetcode weekly contest questions as well.
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Meet Sunchit Dudeja, apart from being Founder of Coding Decoded, I am working as SDE-V at Adobe have more than 8 years of industry experience The in-depth knowledge you will get here, I am sure no other youtuber can ever share.
- With more than 500+ design rounds taken, learn from the perspective of an interviewer
- Learn from 8 years experienced professional working one of the leading company
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- Short videos <=15 mins
Each video has a pictorial representation of the algorithm, test cases walk through and cherry on top is live coding session.
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Looking for referral, time to catch me on telegram. We have more than 2000 developers working at all top notches and we regularly discuss problem that we face in day today development work for example referral, layoffs, chatgpt, bard, AI ML stuck. It is place where you full freedom of speech to put your opinion and helps others in the community. The peers of the community help each other with their queries, schedule mock interviews among themselves and bring in a little humour.
It is a place where peers of the community help each other with their queries, schedule mock interviews among themselves and bring in a little humour.
S No | Topic | Playlist |
1. | Success storing and Interviewing Tips | Link |
2. | How to build attitude to crack a coding interview | Link |
3. | Weekly Contest Problem | Link |
4. | System Design | Link |
S No | Leetcode Weekly Contest Challenges | Youtube Playlist |
1. | Leetcode Weekly Contest | Solutions |
S No | Leetcode Monthly Challenge | Youtube Playlist |
1. | June 2022 | Solutions |
2. | May 2022 | Solutions |
3. | April 2022 | Solutions |
4. | March 2022 | Solutions |
5. | February 2022 | Solutions |
6. | January 2022 | Solutions |
7. | December 2021 | Solutions |
8. | November 2021 | Solutions |
9. | October 2021 | Solutions |
10. | September 2021 | Solutions |
11. | August 2021 | Solutions |
12. | July 2021 | Solutions |
13. | June 2021 | Solutions |
14. | May 2021 | Solutions |
15. | April 2021 | Solutions |
16. | March 2021 | Solutions |
17. | February 2021 | Solutions |
18. | January 2021 | Solutions |
19. | December 2020 | Solutions |
20. | November 2020 | Solutions |
21. | September 2020 | Solutions |
22. | August 2020 | Solutions |
S.NO | Code Link | Video Link |
1 | CountingBits |
S.NO | Code Link | Video Link |
1 | BestTimetoBuyandSellStock | |
2 | FindAllAnagramsinaString | |
3 | 4SUMII | |
4 | ContiguousArray | |
5 | FindtheDifference | |
6 | KdiffPairsinanArray | |
7 | SubarraySumEqualsK | |
8 | PermutationInString | |
9 | Subsets | |
10 | CombinationSum | |
11 | RemoveKDigits | |
12 | RemoveCoveredIntervals | |
13 | MajorityElement | |
14 | CloneGraph | |
15 | SortList | |
16 | ShortestPathVisitingAllNodes | |
17 | MaximumWidthofBinaryTree |
- HouseRobber
- OddEvenLinkedList
- StreamOfCharacters
- MinCostToMoveChipsToSamePosition
- ConvertBinaryNumberInALinkedListToInteger
- BinaryTreeTilt
- DominoAndTrominoTiling
- NthMagicalNumber
- PartitionEqualSubsetSum
- ConsecutiveCharacters
- RangeSumofBST
- InsertionSortList
- MinimumHeightTrees
- MaximalSquare
- MinimumAbsoluteDifference
- PowerOfTwo
- CourseScheduleII
- MergeInterval
- KClosestPointstoOrigin
- NumberComplement
- MiddleoftheLinkedList
- PopulatingNextRightPointersInEachNode
- SmallestIntegerDivisiblebyK
- MaximumDifferenceBetweenNodeAndAncestor
- SurroundedRegions - Day 1
- UniquePathsIII - Day 2
- ArrangingCoins - Day 5
- SingleNumbersIII - Day 6
- MultiplyStrings - Day 7
- UniqueBinarySearchTrees - Day 8
- NumberOfValidWordsForEachPuzzle - Day 9
- BestTimeToBuyAndSellStockII - Day 10
- MinimumValueToGetPositiveStepbyStepSum - Day 11
- RemoveLinkedListElements - Day 12
- DailyTemperatures - Day 13
- CombinationIterator - Day 14
- LargestDivisibleSubset - Day 15
- KthNumberinMultiplicationTable - Day 16
- UniquePaths - Day 17
- FindAllNumbersDisappearedinanArray - Day 18
- HammingDistance - Day 19
- SingleElementinaSortedArray - Day 20
- ConstructBinaryTreeFromInorderAndPostorderTraversal - Day 21
- LargestComponentSizeByCommonFactor - Day 23
- IntervalListIntersections - Day 24
- SearchInsertPosition - Day 26
- ProductOfArrayExceptSelf - Day 27
- AllPathsFromSourceToTarget - Day 28
- AccountsMerge - Day 29
- MaximalRectangle - Day 30
- LongestCommonSubsequence - Day 1
- DungeonGame - Day 2
- JumpGame - Day 3
- IslandPerimeter - Day 4
- ClimbingStairs - Day 5
- FindAllDuplicatesinanArray - Day 6
- WordSearch - Day 7
- ImplementTrie - Day 8
- WordSearchII - Day 9
- BitwiseAndOfNumbersRange - Day 10
- DiameterOfBinaryTree - Day 11
- GuessNumberHigherorLower - Day 12
- ConstructBinarySearchTreeFromPreorderTraversal - Day 13
- PerfectSquares - Day 14
- BestTimeToBuyAndSellStockWithCooldown - Day 15
- BestTimetoBuyandSellStockIII - Day 16
- PathSumIII - Day 17
- CousinsInBinaryTree - Day 18
- NextGreaterElementI - Day 19
- ReverseWordsInAString - Day 20
- InsertDeleteGetRandomO(1) - Day 21
- SortCharactersByFrequency) - Day 22
- FindMinimumInRotatedSortedArrayII - Day 23
- CountCompleteTreeNodes - Day 24
- MinStack - Day 25
- InvertBinaryTree - Day 26
- SortColors - Day 27
- LongestDuplicateSubstring - Day 27
- FlattenaMultilevelDoublyLinkedList - Day 31
- ArrayNesting - Day 1
- UniqueBinarySearchTreesII - Day 2
- ErectTheFence - Day 3
- SumOfDistancesInTree - Day 4
- OrderlyQueue - Day 5
- SlowestKey - Day 6
- ReverseLinkedList - Day 7
- ShiftingLetter - Day 8
- LargestPlusSign - Day 9
- ArithmeticSlicesIISubsequence - Day 10
- BasicCalculator - Day 10
- ReachableNodesInSubdividedGraph - Day 12
- MaximumNumberofBalloons - Day 13
- ReverseOnlyLetters - Day 14
- LongestTurbulentSubarray - Day 15
- SpiralMatrix - Day 16
- IntersectionOfTwoArraysII - Day 17
- ExpressionAddOperators - Day 18
- Distinct Subsequences - Day 19
- FindWinneronaTicTacToeGame - Day 19
- MaxConsecutiveOnes - Day 21
- MaximumLengthofaConcatenatedStringwithUniqueCharacters - Day 22
- BreakAPalindrome - Day 23
- NthTribonacciNumber - Day 24
- ShortestPathinaGridwithObstaclesElimination - Day 25
- TransformtoChessboard - Day 26
- UniqueEmailAddresses - Day 27
- SortArrayByParityII - Day 28
- SplitLinkedListinParts - Day 29
- PartitiontoKEqualSumSubsets - Day 30
August 2021 Leetcode Solution Playlist
- MakingALargeIsland - Day 1
- StoneGame - Day 5
- NaryTreeLevelOrderTraversal - Day 6
- PalindromePartitioningII - Day 7
- AddStrings - Day 9
- FlipStringtoMonotoneIncreasing - Day 10
- ArrayofDoubledPairs - Day 11
- GroupAnangrams - Day 12
- SetMatrixZeroes - Day 13
- RemoveBoxes - Day 14
- MinimumWindowSubstring - Day 15
- RangeSumQueryImmutable - Day 16
- CountGoodNodesinBinaryTree - Day 17
- MaximumProductofSplittedBinaryTree - Day 19
- ValidSudoku - Day 20
- SudokuSolver - Day 21
- TwoSumIVInputIsABST - Day 23
- ComplexNumberMultiplication - Day 24
- SumofSquareNumbers - Day 25
- VerifyPreorderSerializationofaBinaryTree - Day 26
- LongestUncommonSubsequenceII - Day 27
- MaximumProfitInJobScheduling - Day 28
- PatchingArray - Day 29
- RangeAdditionII - Day 30
- FindMinimuminRotatedSortedArray - Day 30
- InvertBinaryTree - Day 26
- GrayCode - Day 1
- FindKClosestElements - Day 2
- MaxSumofRectangleNoLargerThanK - Day 3
- CountVowelsPermutation - Day 4
- ReshapeTheMatrix - Day 5
- ReduceArraySizetoTheHalf - Day 6
- KthSmallestElementinaSortedMatrix - Day 7
- MaximumLengthofRepeatedSubarray - Day 8
- LongestIncreasingSubsequence - Day 9
- DecodeWaysII - Day 10
- FindMedianfromDataStream - Day 11
- IsomorphicStrings - Day 12
- FindPeakElement - Day 13
- CustomSortString - Day 14
- ValidTriangleNumber - Day 15
- 4Sum - Day 16
- ThreeEqualParts - Day 17
- ReverseNodesinkGroup - Day 18
- LowestCommonAncestorofaBinarySearchTree - Day 19
- ShuffleAnArray - Day 20
- PushDominoes - Day 21
- PartitionArrayintoDisjointIntervals - Day 22
- BinaryTreePruning - Day 23
- WordLadderII - Day 24
- NonNegativeIntegerswithoutConsecutiveOnes - Day 25
- ConvertSortedArraytoBinarySearchTree - Day 26
- 3SumClosest - Day 27
- BeautifulArray - Day 28
- 01Matrix - Day 29
- MapSumPairs - Day 30
- TrappingRainWater - Day 31
- MaxAreaofIsland - Day 1
- InterleavingString - Day 2
- MaximumAreaofaPieceofCakeAfterHorizontalandVerticalCuts - Day 3
- MaximumAreaofaPieceofCakeAfterHorizontalandVerticalCutsg_Python
- OpenTheLock - Day 4
- MaximumPerformanceofaTeam - Day 5
- LongestConsecutiveSequence - Day 6
- MinCostClimbingStairs - Day 7
- ConstructBinaryTreefromPreorderandInorderTraversal - Day 8
- JumpGameVI - Day 9
- MyCalendarI - Day 10
- StoneGameVII - Day 11
- MinimumNumberofRefuelingStops - Day 12
- PalindromePairs - Day 13
- MaximumUnitsonaTruck - Day 14
- MaximumUnitsonaTruck - Day 15
- GenerateParentheses - Day 16
- NumberofSubarrayswithBoundedMaximum - Day 17
- RangeSumMutable - Day 18
- KInversePairsArray - Day 19
- SwiminRisingWater - Day 20
- Pascal'sTriangle - Day 21
- NumberofMatchingSubsequences - Day 22
- ReverseLinkedListII - Day 23
- OutofBoundaryPaths - Day 24
- RedundantConnection - Day 25
- CountOfSmallerNumbersAfterSelf - Day 26
- Candy - Day 27
- RemoveAllAdjacentDuplicatesInString - Day 28
- MaxConsecutiveOnesIII - Day 29
- LowestCommonAncestorofaBinaryTree - Day 30
- PrefixAndSuffixSearch
- CourseScheduleIII
- RunningSumof1dArray
- Non-decreasingArray
- JumpGameII
- ConvertSortedListToBST
- DeleteOperationforTwoStrings
- SuperPalindrome
- ConstructTargetArrayWithMultipleSums
- CountPrimes
- MaximumPointsYouCanObtainfromCards
- RangeSumQuery2D-Immutable
- AmbiguousCoordinates
- FlattenBinaryTreetoLinkedList
- BinaryCameraTree
- LongestStringChainSolution
- FindDuplicateFileinSystem
- MinimumMovestoEqualArrayElementsII
- MinimumMovestoEqualArrayElementsII
- BinaryTreeLevelOrderTraversal
- FindandReplacePattern
- NQueen
- FindTheShortestSuperstring
- ToLowerCase
- EvaluateReversePolishNotation
- PartitioningIntoMinimumNumberOfDeciBinaryNumbersg
- maximum-product-of-word-lengths
- MaximumErasureValue
- NQueenII
- MaximumGap
- SearchSuggestionsSystem
- PalindromeLinkedList
- OnesAndZeros
- LongestValidParentheses
- DesignCircularQueue
- GlobalandLocalInversions
- MinimumOperationstoMakeArrayEqual
- determine-if-string-halves-are-alike
- LetterCombinationPhone
- ValidAlienDictionary
- LongestIncreasingPath
- DeepestLeavesSum
- BeautifulArrangementII
- FlattenedNestedList
- PartitionList
- FibonacciNos
- remove-all-adjacent-duplicates-in-string-ii
- PowerfulIntegers
- Distribute Candies
- Set Mismatch
- Missing Number
- Intersection Of Two Linked Lists
- AverageofLevelsinBinaryTree
- ShortEncodingofWords
- DesignHashMap
- AddRowToTree
- IntegertoRoman
- CoinChange
- Check-if-a-string-contains-allbinary-codesofsize-K
- BinaryTreesWithFactors
- SwappingNodesinaLinkedList
- EncodeandDecodeTinyURL
- BestTimetoBuyandSellStockwithTransactionFee
- GenerateRandomPointinaCircle
- WiggleSubSequnce
- KeysAndRooms
- DesignUndergroundSystem
- ReorderedPowerOf2
- SpellChecker
- 3SumWithMultiplicity
- AdvantageShuffle
- PacificAltaticWaterFlow
- WordsSubset
- PalindromicSubStrings
- FlipBinaryTreeToMatchPreorderTraversal
- RussianDollEnvelopes
- StampingTheSequence
- No Of 1 bits
- Trim Binary Search Tree
- Linked List Cycle
- LongestHarmoinousSubsequence
- SimiplifyPaths
- Binary Tree Right Side View
- Shortest Distance to a Character
- Peeking Iterator
- convert-bst-to-greater-tree
- Copy List with Random Pointer
- Valid Anagram
- NumberofStepstoReduceNumbertoZero
- ShortestPathInAGird
- IsGraphBipairate
- TheKWeakestRowsinaMatrix
- LetterCasePermutation
- ContainerWithMostWater
- ArthimeticSlicing
- MinimumRemovetoMakeValidParentheses
- ScoreOfParentheses
- ShortestUnsortedContinuousSubarray
- ValidateStackSequences
- DivideTwoIntegers
- MaximumFrequencyStack
- Check Array Formation Through Concatenation
- Find a Corresponding of a Binary Tree in a of That Tree
- Beautiful Arrangement
- Merge two sorted list
- RemoveDuplicatesfromSortedListII
- kth-missing-positive-number
- Check If Two String Arrays are Equivalent
- LongestSubstringWithoutRepeatingCharacters
- WordLadder
- MergeSortedArrays
- AddTwoNumbers
- BoatsToSavePeople
- MinimumOperationsToReduceXToZero
- GetMaximumInGeneratedArray
- KthLargestElementInArray
- CountSortedVowelStrings
- MaxPairsWithKSum
- MergeKSortedLists
- MergeKSortedLists
- CheckIfAll1'sAreatLeastLengthKPlacesAway
- PathWithMinimumEffort
- concatenation-of-consecutive-binary-numbers
- smallest-string-with-a-given-numeric-value
- VerticalOrderOfABinaryTree
- MinimizeDeviationinArray
- NextPermutation
- Maximum Depth Of Binary Tree
- Linked List Random Node
- Increasing Order SearchTree
- Kth Factor Of N
- Can Place Flower
- PopulatingNextRightPointersInEachNodeII
- RemoveDuplicatesFromSortedArrayII
- Smallest Subtree with all the Deepest Nodes
- Burst Balloon
- Palindrome Partitioning
- Squares Of Sorted Array
- Validate Binary Search Tree
- 4Sum II
- Increasing Triplet Sequence
- Cherry PickerII
- SmallestRangeII
- BalancedBinaryTree
- NextGreaterElementIII
- SwapNodesInPairs
- Diagonal traverse
- Decode Ways
- Jump Game IV
- Reach A Number
- PseudoPalindromic Paths In A Binary Tree
- Game Of Life
- LaregstAreaOfHistorgam
- Merge Intervals
- Decode String
- RotatedSearchArrayII
- NumbersAtNGivenDigitSet
- UniqueMorseCodeWords
- HouseRobberIII
- BasicCalculatorII
- SmallestIntegerDivisiblebyK
- SubstringWithAtLeastKRepeatingCharacters
- PartitionEqualSubsetSum
- PartitionEqualSubsetSum
- JumpGameIII
- TheSkyLineProblem
- Largest Time for Given Digits
- Contains Duplicate III
- RepeatedSubstringPattern
- PartitionLabels
- AllElementsinTwoBinarySearchTrees
- ImageOverlap
- WordPattern
- SumofRootToLeafBinaryNumbers
- CompareVersionNumbers
- BullsAndCows
- MaximumProductSubArray
- Comination Sum III
- Detect Capitals
- Design HashSet
- Valid Palindrome
- Power of Four
- Add and Search Word
- FindAllDuplicate
- Vertical Travesal of Binary Tree
- Path Sum III
- Rotting Oranges
- Excel Sheet Column Number
- H Index
- PascalsTriangleII
- CombinationIterator
- Longest Palindrome
- Non Overlapping Intervals
- Best Time To Buy And Sell Stock
- Distribute Candies To
- Numbers With Same Consecutive
- ReoderList
- SortArrayByParity
- RandomPointInNonOverlappingRectangles
- Stream of Characters
- Sum Of Left Leaves
- Minimum Cost Of Tickets
- Fizz Buzz
- First Right Interval
- Implement Rand10 Using Rand7
- PancakeSorting
- LargestComponentSizebyCommonFactor
- DeleteANodeInBst
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