OTClientV8 is highly optimized tile based 2d game engine built with c++, lua, physfs, OpenGL ES 2.0 and OpenAL. It works well even on 12 years old computers. In 2020 it has been used by more than 90k unique players. Supported platforms:
- Windows (min. Windows 7)
- Linux
- Android (min. 5.0)
Planned support:
- Mac OS
- iOS
- WebAssembly
On this GitHub you can find free version of OTClientV8. It comes without c++ sources, there are prebuilt executables instead. In many cases, you won't need access to sources, you can add a lot of custom features in lua. If you're interested in buying access to sources, contact [email protected] or kondrah#7945 on discord.
DISCORD: https://discord.gg/feySup6
Forum: http://otclient.net
- Rewritten and optimized rendering (60 fps on 11 years old computer)
- Better DirectX9 and DirectX11 support
- Adaptive rendering (automated graphics optimizations)
- Rewritten and optimized light rendering
- Rewritten path finding and auto walking
- Rewritten walking system with animations
- HTTP/HTTPS lua API with JSON support
- WebSocket lua API
- Auto updater with failsafe (recovery) mode
- New filesystem
- File encryption and compression
- Automatic diagnostic system
- Refreshed interface
- New crash and error handler
- New HTTP login protocol
- Ingame shop
- Updated hotkey manager
- Updated and optimized battle list
- Crosshair, floor fading, extra health/mana bars and panels
- Much more client options
- Removed a lot of useless and outdated things
- Advanced bot
- Linux version
- Full tibia 11.00 support
- Layouts
- New login server (with ingame account and character creation)
- Support for proxies to lower latency and protect against DDoS (extra paid option)
- Bot protection (extra paid option)
- [Soon] Mobile application for quick authorization
There's github repo of tfs 1.3 with otclientv8 features: https://github.com/OTCv8/otclientv8-tfs
Download whole repository and run one of binary file.
Open init.lua
and edit:
APP_NAME = "otclientv8" -- important, change it, it's name for config dir and files in appdata
APP_VERSION = 1337 -- client version for updater and login to indentify outdated client
-- If you don't use updater or other service, set it to updater = ""
Services = {
website = "http://otclient.ovh", -- currently not used
updater = "http://otclient.ovh/api/updater.php",
news = "http://otclient.ovh/api/news.php",
stats = "",
crash = "http://otclient.ovh/api/crash.php",
feedback = "http://otclient.ovh/api/feedback.php"
-- Servers accept http login url or ip:port:version
Servers = {
OTClientV8 = "http://otclient.ovh/api/login.php",
OTClientV8proxy = "http://otclient.ovh/api/login.php?proxy=1",
OTClientV8classic = "otclient.ovh:7171:1099",
OTClientV8cwithfeatures = "otclient.ovh:7171:1099:25:30:80:90",
ALLOW_CUSTOM_SERVERS = true -- if true it will show option ANOTHER on server list
Also remember to add your sprite and data file to data/things
That's it, you're ready to use OTClientV8.
DirectX version requires 3 dlls: libEGL.dll libGLESv2.dll d3dcompiler_46.dll
If it can't start (missing dlls) then user need to install visual studio 2019 redistributable x86: https://aka.ms/vs/16/release/vc_redist.x86.exe