Docker/Singularity image to run Cell Bender on Centos 6.10 host kernel with Cuda10.2. The container is built on Ubuntu 16.04 image.
If you have used this work for a publication, you must acknowledge SIH, e.g: "The authors acknowledge the technical assistance provided by the Sydney Informatics Hub, a Core Research Facility of the University of Sydney."
Put this repo on Artemis e.g. in the quickest way you can:
cd /project/<YOUR_PROJECT>
git clone
cd cellbender-contained
jobid=`qsub artemis_build.pbs`
qsub -W depend=afterok:$jobid artemis_run.pbs
Be sure to modify the artemis_build.pbs
and artemis_run.pbs
script to match your needs.
Once you have built the container image you can move that to where your data is or vice-versa, or just point to it to launch the image.
Check out this repo then build the Docker file.
sudo docker build . -t sydneyinformaticshub/cellbender
To run this, mounting your current host directory in the container directory, at /project, and execute a run on the test images (that live in the container) run:
sudo docker run -it --gpus=all -v `pwd`:/project sydneyinformaticshub/cellbender /bin/bash -c "cd /project && ipython"
sudo docker push sydneyinformaticshub/cellbender
See the repo at
singularity build cellbender.img docker://sydneyinformaticshub/cellbender
This will create the cellbender.img
image file.
To run the singularity image (noting singularity attempts to mount the current folder by default plus /project and /scratch)
singularity run --nv cellbender.img /bin/bash -c "cd "$PBS_O_WORKDIR" && ipython"