Friendly Plot Phonon with Phonopy
This python script will allow you to generate plot of phonon in an automatic way.
In order to use it you have to install phonopy:
and Numpy:
pip3 install numpy
Then dowload the fppwp file and put it in you path.
The command: fppwp -h will give you this message:
usage: FPPwP1.0 (Friendly Plot Phonon with Phonopy [-h] [-t TITLE] [-o OUTPUTFILE]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t TITLE, --title TITLE
title of the figure, default nothing
name of the output, default tmp.pdf
To use it, you to first make the calculation of the forces for the POSCAR files obtained with phonopy, please use this:
phonopy -d --dim="X Y Z" # X,Y and Z are integers
for f in POSCAR-*
mkdir "force-"$f
cd "force-"$f
cp ../POTCAR .
cp ../$f POSCAR
cp ../KPOINTS . #here the appropriate kpoint file
cp ../INCAR . #here the appropriate INCAR file
cd ../
When the vasp calculations are done, you can use the fppwp script and you will obtain the tmp.pdf file.
If you want to add title and change the ouptut name here is an exemple: fppwp -t 'I use fppwp' -o friendly_phonon.pdf
fppwp -t 'here is $italic$' -o italic_title.pdf
fppwp -t 'Square$^{2}$ and index$_{10}$' -o sub_index.pdf