- System & Application (Java) migration from physical SLES 11/KDE to virtual Centos 7/Gnome
- Integration in VDI enviroment
- clientsetup.md - Centos/Client configurations
- Default - The file located in: /etc/gdm/Init/
- Monitors.xml - The file located in: /home/wesp/.config/
- 55-inhibit-shutdown.rules - The file is located in: /etc/polkit-1/rules.d
- gtk.css - The file is put in: /home//.config/gtk-3.0/
- .muttrc - Mutt user config file is put in: /home/wesp/
- mailwatch.sh - Mail checking and sensing script is put in: /home/wesp/.bin/
- startwespweb - script to start two interdependent chromium windows and put it on the right position on the screen