Release v4.0.0
New Features:
- cluster support
- support for Bing Maps, OSM XML and WFS
- elemental2 integration
- filter support
- readFeatures for format GeoJSON
- style function for ol.Feature
- VectorContext support
- support for line dash offset
- additional map properties
- new method(s) ol.Map::hasFeatureAtPixel
- options for DragBox and DragZoom
- additional properties and methods for ol.source classes
- options for ol.Map::forEachFeatureAtPixel
- additional MapGuide parameters
- defaults for interaction
- additional options for view
- new format TextFeature
- additional method ol.format.Wkt::readFeatures
- StyleFunction for VectorLayerOptions
- new render event
- add missing properties to ol.MapBrowserEvent
- add missing properties to
- add contains method to Collection
- add setFeatures overlay to VectorOptions
- add missing properties to ol.interaction.Select.Event
- move map events from OLUtil to map
- adjust getZoomLevel function to support fractional values
- remove TypedObject
- refactor classnames with acronyms
- fix issue creating color by string