A generative to generate new IDP conformer ensembles biased towards experimental data.
- Python (3.7.1)
- numpy
- yaml
- pytorch (1.4.0)
- idpconfgen (https://github.com/Oufan75/IDPConformerGenerator.git/tree/grnn, modified from https://github.com/julie-forman-kay-lab/IDPConformerGenerator.git)
- sidechainnet (included, modified from https://github.com/jonathanking/sidechainnet.git)
- X-EISD (https://github.com/THGLab/X-EISD.git)
Modify parameters in training files based on request.
- train_grnn.py for pretraining generative model.
- generate_rnn.py for generating conformers with trained models.
- train_biased_grnn.py Biasing pretrained models with exp data.
- torsion_splits.py for extracting backbone and sidechain torsion angles for pre-training.