This is a simple tool that tracks changes of opinions on asocial network using models described in the paper Opposites repel: the effect of incorporating repulsion on opinion dynamics in the bounded confidence model.
Dynamics are constrained by a static social network, which can be
configured by a .properties
file. Currently supported
network generation algorithms are:
Barabasi-Albert preferential attachment
Watts-Strogatz small world
Erdos-Renyi random network
(semi-complete) A group-based algorithm that generates strongly connected clusters.
There are also some statistics-tracking tools as well, which can be extended in
an ugly fashion. Those tools call GNUPlot on the outputted data using a .plt
Install GNUPlot on your machine, and make sure that the
is adjusted so that it can be called by running
in the command line. Then simply run
./gradlew build
to install the dependencies. It should run out-of-the-box in IDEA or Eclipse, but no guarantees.