The FOV Visualizer is a resource to make it easier for CV engineers and roboticists to view and compare sensor FOVs.
- Started from
- Inspired by
- Inspired by
If you represent a company that manufactures depth sensors and would like to see your sensor on the visualizer, we’ve made it easier to submit that request.
Note that in both cases, the sensor datasheet must be accessible by anyone visiting the visualizer. If your datasheet is a PDF, we are more than happy to host it in the Tangram Vision Datasheet Library,
Those who know their way around GitLab can submit a Merge Request to this repository with the right
data. Every sensor has an entry in sensors.js
with basic information and a link to
that sensor’s datasheet. This is by far the fastest way to get in the visualizer; we just have to
review the MR and click “merge”!
Send us a PDF or link to the datasheet describing your depth sensor. We will review the datasheet, pull out the relevant information, and add it to the depth sensor visualizer manually.
Run a local server, such as with python:
python3 -m http.server 8000
Visit http://localhost:8000
To see FPS, add the following javascript to the page:
var script=document.createElement('script');
var stats=new Stats();
requestAnimationFrame(function loop(){stats.update();requestAnimationFrame(loop)});
To deploy, see the fov-visualizer
folder in the devops
Embed with an html snippet such as the below:
<iframe style="width: 100%; height: 550px; border: none;" title="Tangram Vision Depth Sensor Visualizer" src=""></iframe>
See embed-example.html
for an example of what embedding looks like.
This repo uses the BSD-3 license, see the LICENSE file
Human-esque models are from which states on the FAQ:
You can use both characters and animations royalty free for personal, commercial, and non-profit projects including:
- Incorporating characters into illustrations and graphic art
- 3D printing characters
- Creating films
- Creating video games