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Automates and manages meme channels for Discord servers


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Automated meme management for Discord

Table of contents


MemeBot enriches a guild with the following features:

  • Memes
    • Indirect posting
    • With attribution or anonymous
  • Anonymous confessions
    • Optional coloring based on roles
  • Reaction-based voting
    • Remove memes with too many downvotes
    • Vote contradiction mitigation (can't upvote AND downvote)
  • Multi-guild support
    • One instance of MemeBot may serve several guilds at once

Getting started

Setup is quick and easy.

  1. Get an instance of MemeBot and its invite link
  2. Add MemeBot to the guild using said invite link
  3. Create a dedicated bot-command channel
  4. Type the mb init command and hit return in the bot-command channel
  5. Create a meme channel and a confession channel (if they don't exist already; both are optional)
  6. Optional (but recommended) configuration
    1. Enter mb meme #meme-channel-name to set the meme channel
    2. Enter mb confession #confession-channel-name to set the confession channel
  7. You may enter the mb downvote 10 command to set the downvote limit to <=10
  8. Enter the mb name mas to set the guilds name to "mas" (see configuration)

And you're all set.


MemeBot provides help to any command using the mb -h command. Any other sub-command may also get -h appended to learn more about it.

Most commands and options have abbreviations. Check mb -h to see the all. For example, --disable may be substituted by -d, and cmd-channel by cmd.

The following may be configured by an admin:

  • Meme channel mb meme -h
    • Set to a channel mb meme #meme-channel
      • The old channel will not get modified
      • The new channel will become the chanel in which MemeBot posts new memes
    • Disable mb meme --disable
      • Disables all meme functionality of MemeBot for the guild
      • The old meme channel will not be deleted or modified
    • Print the meme channel mb meme
      • Used to see wich channel (if any) is configured as the meme channel for this guild
  • Confession channel
    • Set to a channel mb meme #confession-channel
      • The old channel will not get modified
      • The new channel will become the chanel in which MemeBot posts new confessions
    • Disable mb conf --disable
      • Disables all confession functionality of MemeBot for the guild
      • The old confession channel will not be deleted or modified
    • Print the confession channel mb conf
      • Used to see wich channel (if any) is configured as the confession channel for this guild
  • Cmd channel
    • Set the cmd channel mb cmd-channel #commands
      • Configures the channel in which MemeBot will listen for commands
    • Disable the cmd channel mb cmd-channel --disable
      • Disables the command channel
      • MemeBot will be listening for commands in all channels
      • The command channel is set by default to the one in which mb init was entered initially
    • Print the cmd channel
      • Used to see wich channel (if any) is configured as the command channel for this guild
  • Admin role mb admin -h
    • Set the admin role mb admin @BotAdmin
      • MemeBot will ignore all commands issued by users without the admin role or the Administrator guild privilege
    • Disable the admin role mb admin --disable
      • MemeBot will use all commands issued in the command channel (if set, otherwise all messages beginning with mb are interpreted as commands)
    • Print the admin role mb admin
      • Used to see wich channel (if any) is configured as the meme channel for this guild
  • Downvote limit mb downvote -h
    • Set the downvote limit mb downvote 10
      • Sets the downvote limit to 10
      • Any meme with 11 or more downvotes will be removed by MemeBot
      • Using mb downvote 0 will result in any downvote issued removing a meme
      • Already downvoted memes will not be re-checked if they still meet the condition
      • Already downvoted memes will be removed once they don't meet the condition after a downvote
    • Disable the downvote limit mb downvote --disable
      • The downvote condition will get removed
      • Memes which have been removed already will not get posted again
    • Print the downvote limit mb downvote
      • Used to see which number (if any) is configured as the downvote limit for this guild
  • Guild name mb name -h
    • It's like a domain name for the guild, it must be unique and should be short. "My amazing server" may have "mas"
    • Set the guild name mb name nameOfGuild
      • Where "nameOfGuild" is the desired name
    • Print the name mb name
      • Prints the configured name
    • The name may not be disabled
      • Users need it to interact with the guild using MemeBot
  • Guild initialization mb init
    • This command must be run once before all others
    • Only someone with the Administrator guild-privilege may execute it
    • It sets up the guild in MemeBots database
    • It sets the guilds command channel to the one, in which this command was issued
    • Setting the admin role is not supported at this step

Users' manual

This section focuses on how a user (non-admin) may interact with MemeBot.

A user may only interact with MemeBot via a direct message (DM) to MemeBot. For more details a user may always DM MemeBot with mb -h. Furthermore, -h may be appended to any command to learn more about any command.

A user can:

  • Select a server
    • This is required for MemeBot to know where to post
      • Neither memes nor confessions can be submitted without this
    • Enter mb server serverName where "serverName" is the name configured by the admins
    • The user can view the selected server using mb server
    • Deselecting a selected server is not supported (but changing it is)
  • Submit memes
    • Post meme first (picture or video)
    • Then enter mb meme (add -a to stay anonymous)
  • Submit confessions
    • Type mb conf "My multi-word confession with \"escaped quotes\" and a closing quote"
    • Confessions are always posted anonymously
    • Confessions must be enclosed with double quotes "
    • If a confession should contain quotes itself, they must be escaped \"


If you want to host MemeBot yourself, you'll need to follow these steps:

  1. Get the source code (e.g. git clone git clone [email protected]:Bernd-L/ meme-bot.git)
  2. Install Node.js
  3. Install PostgreSQL
  4. Run npm install within the source folder
  5. Create (or reuse existing) withing PostgreSQL
    1. A user (with the login privilege and a password)
    2. A database (owned by the user)
    3. A schema within the database (owned by the user)
  6. Set the environment variables in the table below
  7. Start MemeBot using npm start

The environment variables:

Description Environment variable name Example value(s)
The hostname of the PostgreSQL server MB_HOST localhost,
The post of the PostgreSQL server MB_PORT 5432 (It's recommended to use this one)
The username of the PostgreSQL user MB_USER mb, memebot_user
The password of the MB_PWD mb, Sup€rPassword123
The name of the PostgreSQL database used by MemBot MB_DB mb
If SSL should be used to connect to the DB MB_SSL false, true
The mode of operation of MemeBot MB_MODE development, production
The PostgreSQL schema to be used by MemeBot MB_SCHEMA public, mb_dev
The token issued by Discord to connect MemeBot MB_TOKEN NSkjsd7349SDjlkj.sdfjNCS28.sdjJDS83349JWdjsdjgn

Copyright notice

Copyright 2019 Bernd-L.
Licensed under the AGPLv3 license.