In this project, we implemented an ATM with 3 operations (deposit,withdraw,transfer). U can use CRUD operations with user, account, atm.
Platform: Java 11 Project management tool: Maven 4 Database: H2 Spring 5 ORM: Hibernate 5 Servlet container: Tomcat Logging: Log4j Frameworks: Spring Boot, Spring Security APIspec: Swagger Deploy container: Docker
Install JDK latest version and set correct JAVA_HOME variable Install Git (distributed version control system) Install an IDE Install and configure Apache Tomcat (Use version 8) Install and configure H2 database Clone project from GitHub into your IDE as a maven project. Fork this repository to your own GitHub account and then clone it to your local device That's all! You can run it.
##Authors: Hryts Taras , Evgen Procop, Alexander Kukhtin
##LinkedIn: Hryts Taras, Alexander Kukhtin Evgen Procop