Pulls data from a Colorado timing system system 6 running Swimming 1.232 TV software and will automatedly switch between cameras. To obtain info on how to update your system 6 to Swimming 1.232 TV software email [email protected]
Instalation. Download the jar and config file. place them in a flolder somewhere on your windows pc. Next edit the config file to connect to the right com port and use the right baud. You will also have to add in the ip and port for your vmix web interface and what input number you want cut to as your wide shot and as your starting shot. After that launch the jar and make sure it all works. Issues add me on discord: .tdash
From now on this project is no longer updated but I will still provide support. I have moved it to a payed program due to neeing to keep some methiods of receaving data confdantal due to NDAS. If you want a updated verson please buy if form https://aquastreams.org/.