As requested at the hackathon, small scripts I have lying around parltrack
Standing on giants shoulders.
curl | xz -cd > ep_meps_current.json
Extract some info from ep_current_meps.json dump and creates a csv from it
See a problem or want more columns? Pull Requests welcome and all that jazz.
Love data, put them in good hands and go out campaining
if you simply want to deal with active meps and remove all the change log jq "map(select(.active) | del(.changes))" ep_meps_current.json > ep_mep_active.json
csvtool col 1,2,3,4,6-9 ep_meps_current.csv
check for duplicates
csvtool col 4,3,1,2,8 ep_meps_current.csv | sort | uniq -c -d
count from a country csvtool col 4,3,1,2,8 ep_meps_current.csv | sort | ag "Germany," | wc count from a country and a group csvtool col 4,3,1,2,8 ep_meps_current.csv | sort | ag "Germany," | ag ",S&D" | wc
remove the wc to get the list (sorted by last name, like on the europarl website)