A collection of notes from various courses, books and lectures either completed, in progress or abandoned.
- Convolutional Neural Networks (Coursera - convolutional-neural-networks)
- Structuring Machine Learning Projects (Coursera - machine-learning-projects)
- Improving Deep Neural Networks: Hyperparameter tuning, Regularization and Optimization (Coursera - deep-neural-network)
- Neural Networks and Deep Learning (Coursera - neural-networks-deep-learning)
- Introduction to Recommender Systems: Non-Personalized and Content-Based (Coursera)
- ML Clustering & Retrieval (Coursera - ml-clustering-and-retrieval)
- Data Structures and Performance (Coursera - data-structures-optimizing-performance)
- ML Classification (Coursera - ml-classification)
- ML Regression (Coursera - ml-regression)
- Algorithms (Udacity - cs215)
- Intro to Data Science (Udacity - ud359)
- Intro to Hadoop and Mapreduce (Udacity - ud617)
- Software Testing (Udacity - cs258)