In this Streamlit project, various machine learning classifiers are applied to popular sklearn datasets. It provides an interactive interface where users can select datasets and classifiers, tune parameters, and visualize results.
- Streamlit for interactive web app development
- Dataset Selection: Choose between Iris, Breast Cancer, and Wine datasets from sklearn
- Classifier Selection: Choose from K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN), Support Vector Machine (SVM), and Random Forest
- Parameter Tuning: Adjust parameters specific to each classifier directly in the sidebar
- Data Visualization: PCA is used to reduce data to 2 dimensions, and matplotlib is used to plot the data for better understanding
- Install Streamlit and required libraries:
pip install streamlit scikit-learn matplotlib numpy
- Run the Streamlit app:
streamlit run
- Dataset Selection: Use the sidebar to choose a dataset (Iris, Breast Cancer, or Wine).
- Classifier Selection: Choose a classifier (KNN, SVM, Random Forest) from the sidebar.
- Parameter Tuning: Adjust the classifier-specific parameters (e.g., number of neighbors for KNN, C value for SVM).
- Results: View dataset details, classifier accuracy, and a 2D PCA projection plot of the dataset.
- Dataset Shape and Classes: Shows the dataset's shape and number of target classes.
- Classifier Accuracy: Displays the accuracy of the selected classifier.
- PCA Plot: A 2D plot to visualize the data distribution by principal components, color-coded by class.
- This project can be extended with more classifiers and datasets.
- To try different classifiers, adjust the parameters in the sidebar for optimal accuracy and visual analysis.