POC of Producer/Consumer implementation for Azure EventHub Kafka interface.
This project is build using SBT:
sbt assembly
The output jar will be located in dist/event-hub-kafka-poc.jar
java -jar dist/event-hub-kafka-poc.jar --help
EventHub consumer/producer using Kafka interface
-e, --eventhub <arg> EventHub name
-i, --input <arg> Input data file
-m, --mode <arg> Consume or produce messages to the desired EventHub
Choices: consumer, producer
-n, --namespace <arg> EventHub namespace name
-o, --output <arg> Output data file
-s, --sas <arg> SAS connection string between ""
-h, --help Show help message
- Producer example: --mode=producer --namespace=ns-test --eventhub=eh-test --sas="Endpoint=sb://ns-test.servicebus.windows.net/;SharedAccessKeyName=sas-keys;SharedAccessKey=xxx;EntityPath=eh-test" --input=/path/to/data/1gb.json
- Consumer example: --mode=consumer --namespace=ns-test --eventhub=eh-test --sas="Endpoint=sb://ns-test.servicebus.windows.net/;SharedAccessKeyName=sas-keys;SharedAccessKey=xxx;EntityPath=eh-test" --output=/path/to/data/out.json
- Create a sample of data using the
- Resolve util dependencies:
npm i utils/json-generator
- Build data sample running:
node utils/json-generator/main.js -r 409600
- Display util options:
node utils/json-generator/main.js help
Usage: main.js [options] [command]
help Display help
-h, --help Output usage information
-o, --out [value] Output file (defaults to "event-hub-kafka-poc/data/data.json")
-r, --records <n> Amount of records (defaults to 409600; 409600 == 1GB)
- Assembly application jar:
sbt assembly
The output jar will be located in dist/event-hub-kafka-poc.jar
- Create an EventHub with manage shared access policies at the Azure developers console:
- Standard EventHub:
- 1 TU
- Enable Auto-Inflate
- Auto-Inflate Maximum Throughput Units: 20
- Partition count: 32
- Dedicated EventHub:
- 1 CU
- Partition count: 600
- Run application:
export NAMESPACE="namespace-name"
export EVENTHUB="eventhub-name"
export SASK_KEY="eventhub-shared-connection-string"
java -jar /opt/event-hub-kafka-poc/event-hub-kafka-poc.jar \
--mode=producer \
--namespace=${NAMESPACE} \
--eventhub=${EVENTHUB} \
--sas="${SASK_KEY}" \
- Check the EventHub namespace throughput metrics