Releases: TexaProject/texajson
v0.0.5 - Enhancements to result data and supporting collaborative IPFS clsuters
The latest release of texajson helps the texa POC to:
1. Pack up few more information into the result card, before publishing it to the public IPFS network.
Apart from publishing the existing data, we are now also publishing a wide range of information about the test session including the Human Inputs, the AI model's response along with the quantum score and corresponding justification from the tester. This will help AI researchers in analyzing more about the reason behind the score, and do better.
2. Facilitate tester community to maintain the test information in a collaborative IPFS cluster.
This new feature enhances the framework's capability to maintain and uphold transparency in AI model testing. With the help of collaborative IPFS clusters, the test information is now accessible instantly among the users in the network.
Fixes the nil pointer issue
Removed dormant IPLD calls - This fixes the nil pointer issue