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Ontologies' Mappings Visualizer

Web application to visualize the comparison between different ontologies.

Technologies used:

  • Backend: Java, Vertx, OWLAPI.
  • Frontend: HTML, CSS, Javascript, Typescript, VueJS.

OMV server

Server is deployed on heroku:

First deploy on heroku:

heroku login
heroku create
heroku apps:rename omv-server
heroku buildpacks:set
heroku buildpacks:add heroku/gradle
heroku config:set PROJECT_PATH=omv-server/
heroku config:set GRADLE_TASK="shadowJar"
heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev --app=omv-server
heroku pg:psql --app=omv-server
    \i omv-server/sql/omvdb/Scripts/create-tables.sql;

Deploy changes on heroku:

heroku git:remote --app=omv-server
git push heroku master

Build and run server

cd omv-server
./gradlew shadowJar
java -jar build/libs/omv-server-*-fat.jar

OMV client

Client is deployed on netlify:

Build and Run


  • Java SDK >= 8
  • Nodejs >= 10 and NPM

Run locally

# from 1 terminal
cd omv-server
./gradlew run # or "gradlew.bat run" on windows
# server will run in port 8080

# from 2nd terminal
cd omv-client
npm install
npm run server # will run on 1st port after 8080, so probably 8081

Build and Distribute

  1. create file omv-client/.env.production.local with contents

where SERVER_DOMAIN is your server's IP or Domain name

  1. Choose your deployment.
  • Separate server and client
cd omv-server
./gradlew shadowJar
# distribute "omv-server/build/libs/omv-server-*-fat.jar"
# execute with:
java -jar omv-server-*-fat.jar -Dport=$PORT #where $PORT is your desired port

cd omv-client
npm install
npm run build
# distribute "omv-client/dist" to a static web server with configure redirection to index.html
npm run electron:build # distribute the desktop app in "omv-client/dist_electron"
  • Server with bundled client
cd omv-client
npm install
npm run buildvertx # to build client in server's resources

cd omv-server
./gradlew shadowJar
# distribute "omv-server/build/libs/omv-server-*-fat.jar"
# execute with:
java -jar omv-server-*-fat.jar -Dport=$PORT -Dwithclient=true


The default directory for the logs is logs directory.

You can change the default LOG directory with the option -DLOG_DIR="/some/dir".

You can change the logs level with the option -DLOG_LEVEL="debug" where the available levels are trace, debug, info (default), warn, error.

You can customize logging by changing the file omv-server/src/main/resources/logback.xml before building the app, according to logback documentation.