BootsFaces v0.6.0 - New Year's Eve Release
Our Team is proud to publish the v0.6.0 Release.
As you will see there are plenty of new Components and Features.
We take this occasion to wish you all a Happy New Year and Happy Coding with BootsFaces in 2015!!!
New Components
- b:selectBooleanCheckbox ( #4 ): a Bootstrap-enabled check box. It's used almost like the input field. The main difference is the caption, which is displayed behind the check box.
- b:tabView and b:tab ( #10 ): dynamic tab functionality to transition through panes of local content, even via dropdown menus.
- b:panelGrid : a component that puts child components in a grid, very much like h:panelGrid .
- b:inputSecret : a password field ( #29 )
- b:selectOneMenu: a simple combobox
Project Management
- added a basic Maven pom.xml ( #10 )
- Reviewed code of InputText ( component + renderer ) and Ajax features ( #7 , #8 and #11 )
- b:button : AngularJS compatibility, refactoring and reactivation of style attribute ( #13 and #15 )
- b:panel : Added titleClass property ( #14 )
#6 - Fixed Datepicker used internal Mojarra classes which broke compatibility with other JSF implementations (e.g. MyFaces)
#19 - Fixed problems caused by double use of the label attribute.
#17 - Added the option to set navLink class to active
#17 - Fixed ant related issues with encoding and a version 1.8 bug (includeantruntime)
- Oracle Mojarra 2.2
- new: Apache MyFaces 2.2
- new: AngularFaces 2.x