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(Docker / Python / Django / Javascript / Vue) A simple webapp that displays medical statistics from a few sources, and significantly over engineered devops, for what the app does.

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This project does stuff with medical statistics, and serves as my primary portfolio project.

Table of Contents

Getting Started


The following needs to be installed:

  • docker compose (Any version should work. Tested with v1 and v2 standalone. Should also work with docker compose CLI plugin, but this is not tested.)
  • bash. Trivial on most systems, but installing is important for Windows users.
  • python >= 3.5. Needed for running management utilities.
  • pip. Required to install a few packages used by the management utilities.


I have taken great care to ensure this project is as easy to get started with as humanly possible.

  • Ensure prerequisites are installed.
  • Install management packages via pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  • python3 build to build docker images for the frontend and backend.
  • python3 up to start the services. python3 down can be used later to shut them down.
  • python3 init_db to (re)build the database, including running all migrations. If it already exists, it will be dropped, recreated, and migrated.

Manager Commands

See README in commands folder for a complete list of commands and their descriptions

Repo Components Tour

This section contains a description of all the major folders in the root of the repo.

Folder Description
.github GitHub Actions Workflows (eg: continuous deployment process); Dependabot config
backend This folder contains the Django project that implements the project backend.
frontend This folder contains the Vue project that implements the project frontend.
commands This folder contains various stack management commands that can be run via
config This folder contains various static config files, including systemd service files and a sample .env file

Application Services

Service Description
Backend This service serves the backend Django project via apache.
Frontend This service serves the frontend Vue project via apache.
Postgres 14 Database for Backend
Redis General purpose cache
Grafana Visualization of metrics
Traefik Reverse Proxy service. Manages SSL, and builds routes for public docker services.

Developerment Pipeline

Pipeline diagram

The following tools and conventions are used to provide the best possible developer experience, and maximize system maintainability

PR Deployment

GitHub Actions is used for the following purposes on this project:

  • Performing CI checks to enforce various code quality metrics and conditions (eg, tests passing, linting, static analysis)
  • Ensuring builds are easily repeatable and correctly automated
  • Continuous updating of production as main gets updated
  • Automatically and continously deploying successful builds of open pull requests to https://pr{{PR NUMBER HERE}}
    • Link to the deployed branch-under-review is automatically posted as a comment by a bot, when all checks are successful
    • Deployments for all open PRs get continuously updated until closed
    • Once PRs are merged or closed, their resources are all freed.

Pre-Commit Hooks

Precommit hooks give a certain level of quality-at-the-source by checking for easy to detect code issues before allowing commits. In most cases, and where possible, the pre-commit hooks will also correct the issues they find. Precommit hooks are used on this project for:

  • Auto-formatting python, yaml, and json files. Checks against excessively large files being commited, trailing whitespace, lines at end of file, tabs, and CLRF.
  • Checks that commited python code has a valid AST (ie, no python syntax errors)
  • Enforcing static typing according to the mypy configuration
    • Since this was a legacy project that I revived for the sake of demonstrating instrastructure skills, the mypy configuration reflects that of a project that is seeing incremental adoption of static typing. New project areas have stricter rules enforced than older project areas.
  • Checks to prevent breakpoint() from being commited

Pull Request Workflow


When a pull request is opened, or the branch in question receives new commits, the following occurs automatically via GitHub Actions:

  • Code is installed on the application server at ~/medistat-pr{{PR_NUMBER_HERE}}.
  • .env file is generated that contains all necessary config to start up this PR as a new docker stack without interfering with any other services
  • Build process runs and produces new custom images if successful. If not successful, the developer who opened the PR is notified.
  • Docker stack is started. Checks run to ensure that all stack services become healthy within a certain configurable timeframe.
  • Unit and integration tests run. Additional code-quality checks are run.
  • Database is built from scratch and data fixtures are loaded in.
  • GitHub Actions bot posts the link to the deployed stack's frontend service, and any other admin services. (TODO: Generate credentials for every service and post the credentials on the PR). The URLs will follow the pattern of: https://pr{{PR_NUMBER_HERE}} and https://{{SERVICE_NAME_HERE}}pr{{PR_NUMBER_HERE}}


When a pull request is closed (usually because it was merged), the resources used are cleaned up:

  • The docker stack is brought down
  • The containers used by the PR's stack are deleted
  • The directory containing all project files is deleted

Continuous Deployment

When the main branch receives a push, GitHub Actions activates the continuous deployment script. This follows a very similar process to the Pull Request Workflow described above, with a few differences.

  • Existing .env file is used; deploys to instead of a subdomain of
  • Existing database is used, instead of creating a new database from scratch. New database migrations run.
  • Production deployment happens under a different OS user than any staging/review deployment.


(Docker / Python / Django / Javascript / Vue) A simple webapp that displays medical statistics from a few sources, and significantly over engineered devops, for what the app does.




