An open-source and horrible french card game
git clone
cd UnderTheLimits
node server/scripts/populate-dev.js
yarn start:dev
All the files needed to run UTL on K8S can be found in the infra folder.
Be aware that K8S related files are NOT production ready.
variable can be customized to any of your wishes
is mainly used to keep a trace of the currently deployed version
Most of the configuration related to traefik should be updated to match your configuration
Is there a demo ?
Is there tests ?
No. We want to deploy an online, playable version before deploying some kind of production version
Is there a roadmap ?
Yes and no. You can find here stuff we currently plan to work on.
Why is the code so horrible ?
We didn't planish most of the stuff we did. If you find anything so aweful it hurts you, you can fork it and PR are welcome !