This repository contains a collection of utilities, extensions, and helper classes which I have found useful for day to day work.
CalendarWeekIso8601 -- Methods to get the ISO-8601 calendar week based on year and week number, or for a given date.
DateTimeCalc -- Convenience extension methods for calculating e.g. the number of minutes that have passed. Useful for web pages showing tabular data where you want to show, say, the age of a file.
FormatHuman -- A few convenience formatting extension methods (again, useful for web pages). Also methods to take some number of seconds and convert to an imprecise human friendly format, e.g. "5 days 2 hours".
MiscExtensions -- DateTime extension methods that did not belong anywhere else.
UnixTime -- Extension methods for converting to and from a UNIX time, with variations for milliseconds to match gettimeofday.
YearTimeSpan -- A struct for holding the information needed by FormatHuman.
Analysis -- String extension methods to determine characteristics of a string, such as does it look like a number.
ChangeCapitalization -- Methods to change a string between camelCase, PascalCase, snake_case, and html-id-case.
SqlQuote -- Methods to quote strings (and other types).
StringCaseEnum -- Enumeration for different string cases.
A static class for generating time-based GUIDs. See the project specific ReadMe