WARNING: This is a work in progress. Neither the API nor the algorithm are finished. (Automated) verification, testing and benchmarking are yet to be done.
Image: https://www.flickr.com/photos/endogamia/5682480447/ by N. Feans
You can learn more about smartcrop.js on the library homepage
You can install smartcrop-cli using npm
npm install -g smartcrop-cli
Usage: node ./smartcrop-cli.js [OPTION] FILE [OUTPUT]
node ./smartcrop-cli.js --width 100 --height 100 photo.jpg square-thumbnail.jpg generate a 100x100 thumbnail from photo.jpg
--config path to a config.json
--width width of the crop
--height height of the crop
--quality jpeg quality of the output image [default: 90]
-* forwarded as options to smartcrop.js