This repository contains ROS wrappers for the V4R library.
simply install sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-v4r-ros-wrappers
after enabling the STRANDS repositories.
Make sure you install V4R first.
Clone v4r_ros_wrappers into your catkin workspace:
cd my_catkin_ws/src
git clone
cd ..
Then call catkin_make
once. You might get an error regarding V4RModules.cmake. This is easy to fix:
cd my_catkin_ws/build
ccmake ../src
Locate the option V4R_DIR
and set it, according to where you build/installed V4R library, e.g.:
V4R_DIR /home/somewhere/v4r/build
Then call catkin again, and all should now compile fine.
A tutorial can be found here.
A GPU (best: NVIDIA) is required for many components. For this to work, the user running the software needs to be allowed to access the X server. The easiest (but very insecure in a not secured network) way to achieve this is to allow access for all users via DISPLAY=:0 sudo xhost +
Alternatively, SIFT can be computed using the non-free library of OpenCV. In this case, link the v4r and v4r_ros_wrappers libraries to the right OpenCV library.