The Fathom Toolkit is a suite of tools written with the goal of helping utilize Nmap to better understand your environment. The core tools are written in Ruby and leverage Kris Katterjohn's Nmap::Parser Ruby library for searching and manipulating Nmap's XML output.
Tool | Summary |
fathom.rb | Searches Nmap XML output for various data related to ports, services, etc. |
cert-query.rb | Returns results based on x509 certificate based criteria ( thumbprint, expiration, etc.) |
fp-list.rb | Searches Nmap XML for fingerprint output blocks related to unknown services and OSes | | When provided with an IP, returns the Nmap results for that IP if it exists | | Full scan (scripts/ver detection) of a single user provided IP address | | Full scan (scripts/ver detection) of every IP in ./lists/scanlist-random.txt, one at a time | | Full scan (scripts/ver detection) of every IP in ./list/scanlist-random.txt, multiple targets at a time | | Port scan only of a single user provided IP address | | Port scan only of every IP in ./lists/scanlist-random.txt, one at a time | | Rescans hosts in the ./logs/ directory starting with the oldest, one at a time | | Rescans hosts in the ./logs/ directory starting with the oldest, multiple targets at a time | | Takes all subnets in ./lists/subnets.txt, expands, randomizes, and saves to ./lists/scanlist-random.txt |
Installation instructions can be found in this project's Wiki: