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Scene Guide

Peter Robinson edited this page Jul 5, 2020 · 2 revisions


A Scene in Torque 2D follows the typical scene graph concept. It is the parent container for all scene object "nodes" (all classes including and derived from SceneObject - Sprite, ImageFont, Scroller, etc) that your game is built upon. You can abstract things in such a way that your entire game is contained within one Scene and you swap objects in and out as needed. Alternatively, you can use separate Scenes for each level in a platformer or splitting up the overworld from dungeons in a RPG, etc - and loading/unloading different Scenes as necessary.

Since all game objects need to be within a Scene, there are many "global" functions and roles that the Scene handles. The following sections will cover each role in more detail.

Scene Properties


The Scene contains several methods that tie it to the physics simulation. The most important one allowing you to apply gravity to all "dynamic" body objects in the Scene. Gravity is just an easy to understand label though, you are not restricted to a constant force in the "down" direction. Gravity can be independently set in both the X and Y axis.

%scene = new Scene();

// Setting the gravity through the method
%scene.setGravity(0, -9.8);

// Setting the gravity through the field
%scene.Gravity = "0 -9.8";

There are also options that let you set the number of iterations for position or velocity updates. See the Physics Guide for more details.

SceneObject Management

As a container that holds all the objects in the Scene, there are naturally several methods that let you add, get and remove scene objects within the Scene.

%scene = new Scene();

// Create an object
%object = new SceneObject();

// Add it to the scene

// Get the number of objects in the scene
%total = %scene.getCount();

// Get a list of object Ids that are currently in the scene
%list = %scene.getSceneObjectList();

Asset Preloading

The Scene can also contain a list of asset Ids that will be preloaded when the Scene is loaded. This offers a degree of manual control over the asset system to help improve performance over the default, automatic loading and unloading of assets - in most cases using asset preloads is not necessary though.

%scene = new Scene();

// Add an asset to the preload list. This also loads the asset immediately.

// Get the number of assets set to preload for this scene.
%total = %scene.getAssetPreloadCount();


Also in a related role as the controller of the physics simulation, all Box2D joint creation, deletion, and manipulation are handled by the Scene. See the Joints Guide for more details on the methods available to join objects together.


This area is also very closely related to SceneObject management. The picking methods allow you to get all objects fall under a specific point, circle, box, or raycast. There are also a few filtering parameters available based on scene groups or layers, bounding boxes, or collision shapes.

// Find objects at coordinates 10, 10, with no scene group/layer filtering, and a collision pick mode.
MyScene.pickPoint("10 10", "", "", "collision");

// Find objects within a circle with a radius of 5 at coordinates 10, 10. No group/layer filtering, default mode oobb.
MyScene.pickCircle("10 10", 5);

// Find objects in scene group 3 within an 6x8 meter area at coordinates 10, 10. Pick mode is aabb.
MyScene.pickArea("10 10", "6 8", 3, "", "aabb");

Debug Options

During development, there are many times where it is helpful to have visual aides which show objects bounding boxes, their collision shapes, joints, center of mass positions, or even metrics. This can be done at the Scene level to prevent turning on debug rendering on a tedious object-by-object basis. The following options are available for use: metrics, fps, controllers, joints, wireframe, aabb, oobb, sleep, collision, position, sort.

%scene = new Scene();

// Turn on debug rendering of collison shapes.

Layer Sorting

The sort mode for each scene layer is also defined through the Scene.


Scenes have the ability to be assigned and use behaviors.

TorqueScript Bindings

TAML Format

Using TorqueScript and the exposed fields or methods described in the previous section, you can programmatically create and configure a Scene. You can then export this type to a TAML file or even create a TAML file manually and read it into your game at an appropriate time.

Here is an example Scene TAML file in XML format:

    Name="GameScene" >
		Image = "FillBattle:SixColors"
		Frame = "0"
		Size = "10 10"
		Position = "44 30"
		UseInputEvents = "1" >
			<ButtonBehavior />

Depending on the amount of objects in your Scene when it is written out in TAML, the size of the file can become quite big.

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