javascript is what a wonderful language!!
I believe we can change the world by javascript.
i'm lovin' it
jsnote will present you easy and fast coding place.
You can code javascript briefly and display the draw space freely.
jsnote is simple javascript editor running on web browsers.
Go to jsnote
runs your code written in the editor and record the code to local storage of WEB browser. -
read a text file form your local file system to paste contents to the editor. -
save a text file as "jsnote.txt" to your local file system.
the default directory is "Downloads". -
imports one or more text files to assing the name and the contents of file to array of "importTexts".
importTexts[i].filename : filename
importTexts[i].barefilename : filename without extention
importTexts[i].ext : extention of file
importTexts[i].text : contents of file -
exports the value of "exportText" assigned string data as a text file.
Assign string data to "exportText" before clicking the buttion of export.
(1)export a file
exportFileName = "a.txt" // file name of exportText (default is "jsnote_export.txt")
exportFileBOM = true // ture (default): without BOM, false: with BOM (BOM is initial sign of utf-8 file)
exportText = "welcome to jsnote" //before clicking the button of export
(2)export files
exportFileName = ["a.json", "b.json"]
exportFileBOM = false
exportText = [
JSON.stringify({a:1,b:2},null," "),
JSON.stringify({x:1,y:2},null," "),
suggests you a lot of sample codes -
pushes your sample code to "sample".
Enter categoroy and filename before pushing the button of register. This buttion is available only with running of AP server.
"Shift + Enter"
is equal to click the button of "run" to run your code written in the editor. -
"Shift + Tab"
is equal to check draw box on or off to show or hide draw area.
The DOM ID of draw area is "drawArea". It includs DOM of "draw". -
"Shift + Delete"
clears all words in the editor.
put your sample codes under the sample directory and add a property to list.json
you can register your smaple code by clicking the button of register
|-- index.html
|-- scripts
|-- styles
|-- sample
|-- public
| |--list.json
| |--JavaScript
| | |-- READ_ME.js
| | |-- HelloWorldExample.js
| |--plotly
| | |-- HelloWorldExample.js
| |--svig
| | |-- HelloWorldExample.js
|-- your private sample category
pull image from Docker Hub and built with docker-compose
step1: make the direcotry as "jsnote" and move to it
mkdir jsnote
cd jsnote
step2: make "docker-.compose.yaml" in the direcotory of "jsnote"
version: '2'
image: toyohal24/jsnote_api
restart: always
- ./sample:/usr/share/nginx/html/sample/private
- ./log:/var/log/node
image: toyohal24/jsnote
restart: always
- "2555:80"
- ./sample:/usr/share/nginx/html/sample/private
- ./log:/var/log/nginx
step3: build with docker-compose in the directory of "jsnote"
docker-compose up -d
git clone
cd jsnote
docker-compose up -d
The initial setting of 'networks' is neco_link.
Change setting of 'networks' depending on your network configuration.
git clone -b necosystem
cd jsnote
docker-compose up -d