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Reproduction demo of a Kafka transactional producer issue that affects performance.

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Reproduction demo of a confluent-kafka transactional producer issue that affects performance.


For some reason the send_offsets_to_transaction() call will be 50+ times slower when there is more than one message in the input topic of the transactor.

The demo

The demo consists of two parts:

  • a slightly modified copy of the example called
    • prints are replaced with sys.stdout writes to keep in sync with log output
    • each and every processed message is transacted one-by-one
    • transactor will wait for input and not exit
  • a script called that:
    • produces input for the transactor
    • launches the transactor process (
    • summarizes the logs and times it took for the processing to be done

The demo script has two modes of operation:

  • parallel mode: input messages are produced in bulk
  • serial mode: input messages are produced strictly after the reply message of the previous is received

The problem

In parallel mode the send_offsets_to_transaction() is so much slower that it makes the serial mode finish faster in comparison. This should not be the case intuitively since in serial processing the round-trip times are greater.


The demo was tested with the following software:

  • Linux 5.8.14
  • Kafka 2.5.0, 2.6.0 (from docker-hub of bitnami/kafka)
  • Python 3.8.6
  • confluent-kafka
    • version ('1.5.0', 17104896)
    • libversion ('1.5.0', 17105151)

Running the demo

  1. Clone the repository and setup a python environment with the tools of your choice. The dependencies can be installed from the requirements.txt.
  2. Prepare a Kafka broker with two topics for testing, which all have a single partition. The demo uses a static default string for the group_id so the topics can be re-used and only the new messages will be processed by every consumer.

Serial demo example

$ /home/joe/PycharmProjects/.venv/kafka-tr-issue-201011/bin/python /home/joe/PycharmProjects/kafka-tr-issue-201011/ -b -t demoinput1602409428 -o demooutput1602409428 -s
Running in SERIAL mode
The input producer will wait for the reply of the transactor before producing the next message.
Processing took 0.30998730659484863

Send offset times: [0.04938220977783203, 0.005151987075805664, 0.0031898021697998047, 0.002920866012573242, 0.002249002456665039, 0.002113819122314453, 0.00174713134765625, 0.0025207996368408203, 0.002359628677368164, 0.0022499561309814453, 0.002370119094848633, 0.0021266937255859375, 0.002241373062133789, 0.0024209022521972656, 0.002430438995361328, 0.002146005630493164, 0.0020325183868408203, 0.002163410186767578, 0.0022263526916503906, 0.0023109912872314453]
Send offset times average: 0.004817700386047364

Relevant log snippet from the middle:
:DEMO:START 1602409450.3086362
%7|1602409450.308|CGRPOP|rdkafka#consumer-1| [thrd:main]: Group "eos_example_cd817a22-b31d-4a2c-9e70-b905c126387b" received op GET_ASSIGNMENT (v0) in state up (join state started, v5 vs 0)
%7|1602409450.308|TXNAPI|rdkafka#producer-2| [thrd:app]: Transactional API called: send_offsets_to_transaction
%7|1602409450.308|SEND|rdkafka#producer-2| [thrd:TxnCoordinator]: TxnCoordinator/1001: Sent AddOffsetsToTxnRequest (v0, 102 bytes @ 0, CorrId 34)
%7|1602409450.309|ADDPARTS|rdkafka#producer-2| [thrd:main]: TxnCoordinator/1001: Adding partitions to transaction
%7|1602409450.309|SEND|rdkafka#producer-2| [thrd:TxnCoordinator]: TxnCoordinator/1001: Sent AddPartitionsToTxnRequest (v0, 92 bytes @ 0, CorrId 35)
%7|1602409450.309|RECV|rdkafka#producer-2| [thrd:TxnCoordinator]: TxnCoordinator/1001: Received AddOffsetsToTxnResponse (v0, 6 bytes, CorrId 34, rtt 0.92ms)
%7|1602409450.309|SEND|rdkafka#producer-2| [thrd:]: Sent TxnOffsetCommitRequest (v0, 152 bytes @ 0, CorrId 28)
%7|1602409450.310|RECV|rdkafka#producer-2| [thrd:TxnCoordinator]: TxnCoordinator/1001: Received AddPartitionsToTxnResponse (v0, 46 bytes, CorrId 35, rtt 1.22ms)
%7|1602409450.310|ADDPARTS|rdkafka#producer-2| [thrd:main]: demooutput1602409428 [0] registered with transaction
%7|1602409450.310|WAKEUP|rdkafka#producer-2| [thrd:main]: Wake-up
%7|1602409450.310|WAKEUP|rdkafka#producer-2| [thrd:main]: TxnCoordinator/1001: Wake-up
%7|1602409450.310|TOPPAR|rdkafka#producer-2| [thrd:]: demooutput1602409428 [0] 1 message(s) in xmit queue (1 added from partition queue)
%7|1602409450.310|RECV|rdkafka#producer-2| [thrd:]: Received TxnOffsetCommitResponse (v0, 46 bytes, CorrId 28, rtt 1.24ms)
%7|1602409450.310|TOPPAR|rdkafka#producer-2| [thrd:]: demooutput1602409428 [0] 1 message(s) in xmit queue (0 added from partition queue)
:DEMO:END   1602409450.3110063 0.002370119094848633

Full output of the transactor:
%7|1602409447.121|MEMBERID|rdkafka#consumer-1| [thrd:app]: Group "eos_example_cd817a22-b31d-4a2c-9e70-b905c126387b": updating member id "(not-set)" -> ""
%7|1602409447.121|WAKEUPFD|rdkafka#consumer-1| [thrd:app]: GroupCoordinator: Enabled low-latency ops queue wake-ups
%7|1602409447.121|BROKER|rdkafka#consumer-1| [thrd:app]: GroupCoordinator: Added new broker with NodeId -1
%7|1602409447.121|BRKMAIN|rdkafka#consumer-1| [thrd:GroupCoordinator]: GroupCoordinator: Enter main broker thread
%7|1602409447.121|WAKEUPFD|rdkafka#consumer-1| [thrd:app]: Enabled low-latency ops queue wake-ups
%7|1602409447.121|BRKMAIN|rdkafka#consumer-1| [thrd::0/internal]: :0/internal: Enter main broker thread

A full log is available as demo-serial.log.

Broker log

This is all that the broker logs during a run of the serial demo.

[2020-10-11 11:09:08,519] INFO [GroupCoordinator 1001]: Preparing to rebalance group kafka-tr-issue-201011-pr in state PreparingRebalance with old generation 12 (__consumer_offsets-2) (reason: Adding new member rdkafka-3b7a6cf3-9ba1-41de-8989-3787d6d41c13 with group instance id None) (
[2020-10-11 11:09:08,519] INFO [GroupCoordinator 1001]: Stabilized group kafka-tr-issue-201011-pr generation 13 (__consumer_offsets-2) (
[2020-10-11 11:09:08,520] INFO [GroupCoordinator 1001]: Assignment received from leader for group kafka-tr-issue-201011-pr for generation 13 (
[2020-10-11 11:09:08,547] INFO [TransactionCoordinator id=1001] Initialized transactionalId with producerId 0 and producer epoch 6 on partition __transaction_state-26 (kafka.coordinator.transaction.TransactionCoordinator)
[2020-10-11 11:09:10,801] INFO [GroupCoordinator 1001]: Member[ None, rdkafka-3b7a6cf3-9ba1-41de-8989-3787d6d41c13] in group kafka-tr-issue-201011-pr has left, removing it from the group (
[2020-10-11 11:09:10,801] INFO [GroupCoordinator 1001]: Preparing to rebalance group kafka-tr-issue-201011-pr in state PreparingRebalance with old generation 13 (__consumer_offsets-2) (reason: removing member rdkafka-3b7a6cf3-9ba1-41de-8989-3787d6d41c13 on LeaveGroup) (
[2020-10-11 11:09:10,801] INFO [GroupCoordinator 1001]: Group kafka-tr-issue-201011-pr with generation 14 is now empty (__consumer_offsets-2) (

Parallel demo example

$ /home/joe/PycharmProjects/.venv/kafka-tr-issue-201011/bin/python /home/joe/PycharmProjects/kafka-tr-issue-201011/ -b -t demoinput1602410701 -o demooutput1602410701
Running in PARALLEL mode
The input producer will produce all messages in parallel (at once) after the first message.
Processing took 1.9110004901885986

Send offset times: [0.049684762954711914, 0.004431247711181641, 0.1045372486114502, 0.10331964492797852, 0.1041402816772461, 0.10495209693908691, 0.10389399528503418, 0.10295701026916504, 0.10307526588439941, 0.10339474678039551, 0.1034994125366211, 0.10283136367797852, 0.10272407531738281, 0.10245895385742188, 0.10555815696716309, 0.10403847694396973, 0.10850381851196289, 0.10323119163513184, 0.10339903831481934, 0.10307693481445312]
Send offset times average: 0.09618538618087769

Relevant log snippet from the middle:
:DEMO:START 1602410740.6066911
%7|1602410740.606|CGRPOP|rdkafka#consumer-1| [thrd:main]: Group "eos_example_267be98e-3541-4b89-884b-848453b86a64" received op GET_ASSIGNMENT (v0) in state up (join state started, v5 vs 0)
%7|1602410740.606|TXNAPI|rdkafka#producer-2| [thrd:app]: Transactional API called: send_offsets_to_transaction
%7|1602410740.606|SEND|rdkafka#producer-2| [thrd:TxnCoordinator]: TxnCoordinator/1001: Sent AddOffsetsToTxnRequest (v0, 102 bytes @ 0, CorrId 50)
%7|1602410740.607|RECV|rdkafka#producer-2| [thrd:TxnCoordinator]: TxnCoordinator/1001: Received AddOffsetsToTxnResponse (v0, 6 bytes, CorrId 50, rtt 0.32ms)
%7|1602410740.607|RETRY|rdkafka#producer-2| [thrd:TxnCoordinator]: TxnCoordinator/1001: Retrying AddOffsetsToTxnRequest (v0, 102 bytes, retry 1/3, prev CorrId 50) in 100ms
%7|1602410740.607|ADDPARTS|rdkafka#producer-2| [thrd:main]: TxnCoordinator/1001: Adding partitions to transaction
%7|1602410740.607|SEND|rdkafka#producer-2| [thrd:TxnCoordinator]: TxnCoordinator/1001: Sent AddPartitionsToTxnRequest (v0, 92 bytes @ 0, CorrId 51)
%7|1602410740.608|RECV|rdkafka#producer-2| [thrd:TxnCoordinator]: TxnCoordinator/1001: Received AddPartitionsToTxnResponse (v0, 46 bytes, CorrId 51, rtt 0.42ms)
%7|1602410740.608|ADDPARTS|rdkafka#producer-2| [thrd:main]: TxnCoordinator/1001: AddPartitionsToTxn response: partition "demooutput1602410701": [0]: Broker: Producer attempted to update a transaction while another concurrent operation on the same transaction was ongoing
%7|1602410740.628|ADDPARTS|rdkafka#producer-2| [thrd:main]: TxnCoordinator/1001: Adding partitions to transaction
%7|1602410740.628|SEND|rdkafka#producer-2| [thrd:TxnCoordinator]: TxnCoordinator/1001: Sent AddPartitionsToTxnRequest (v0, 92 bytes @ 0, CorrId 52)
%7|1602410740.629|RECV|rdkafka#producer-2| [thrd:TxnCoordinator]: TxnCoordinator/1001: Received AddPartitionsToTxnResponse (v0, 46 bytes, CorrId 52, rtt 1.13ms)
%7|1602410740.629|ADDPARTS|rdkafka#producer-2| [thrd:main]: demooutput1602410701 [0] registered with transaction
%7|1602410740.629|TOPPAR|rdkafka#producer-2| [thrd:]: demooutput1602410701 [0] 1 message(s) in xmit queue (1 added from partition queue)
%7|1602410740.629|PRODUCE|rdkafka#producer-2| [thrd:]: demooutput1602410701 [0]: Produce MessageSet with 1 message(s) (76 bytes, ApiVersion 7, MsgVersion 2, MsgId 11, BaseSeq 10, PID{Id:0,Epoch:0}, uncompressed)
%7|1602410740.629|SEND|rdkafka#producer-2| [thrd:]: Sent ProduceRequest (v7, 168 bytes @ 0, CorrId 28)
%7|1602410740.629|WAKEUP|rdkafka#producer-2| [thrd:main]: Wake-up
%7|1602410740.629|WAKEUP|rdkafka#producer-2| [thrd:main]: TxnCoordinator/1001: Wake-up
%7|1602410740.630|RECV|rdkafka#producer-2| [thrd:]: Received ProduceResponse (v7, 70 bytes, CorrId 28, rtt 0.94ms)
%7|1602410740.630|MSGSET|rdkafka#producer-2| [thrd:]: demooutput1602410701 [0]: MessageSet with 1 message(s) (MsgId 11, BaseSeq 10) delivered
%7|1602410740.707|RETRY|rdkafka#producer-2| [thrd:TxnCoordinator]: TxnCoordinator/1001: Moved 1 retry buffer(s) to output queue
%7|1602410740.707|SEND|rdkafka#producer-2| [thrd:TxnCoordinator]: TxnCoordinator/1001: Sent AddOffsetsToTxnRequest (v0, 102 bytes @ 0, CorrId 53)
%7|1602410740.708|RECV|rdkafka#producer-2| [thrd:TxnCoordinator]: TxnCoordinator/1001: Received AddOffsetsToTxnResponse (v0, 6 bytes, CorrId 53, rtt 1.20ms)
%7|1602410740.708|SEND|rdkafka#producer-2| [thrd:]: Sent TxnOffsetCommitRequest (v0, 152 bytes @ 0, CorrId 29)
%7|1602410740.710|RECV|rdkafka#producer-2| [thrd:]: Received TxnOffsetCommitResponse (v0, 46 bytes, CorrId 29, rtt 1.30ms)
:DEMO:END   1602410740.7101905 0.1034994125366211

Full output of the transactor:
%7|1602410736.719|MEMBERID|rdkafka#consumer-1| [thrd:app]: Group "eos_example_267be98e-3541-4b89-884b-848453b86a64": updating member id "(not-set)" -> ""
%7|1602410736.719|WAKEUPFD|rdkafka#consumer-1| [thrd:app]: GroupCoordinator: Enabled low-latency ops queue wake-ups
%7|1602410736.719|BROKER|rdkafka#consumer-1| [thrd:app]: GroupCoordinator: Added new broker with NodeId -1
%7|1602410736.719|BRKMAIN|rdkafka#consumer-1| [thrd:GroupCoordinator]: GroupCoordinator: Enter main broker thread
%7|1602410736.719|WAKEUPFD|rdkafka#consumer-1| [thrd:app]: Enabled low-latency ops queue wake-ups
%7|1602410736.719|BROKER|rdkafka#consumer-1| [thrd:app]: Added new broker with NodeId -1
%7|1602410736.719|INIT|rdkafka#consumer-1| [thrd:app]: librdkafka v1.5.0 (0x10500ff) rdkafka#consumer-1 initialized (builtin.features gzip,snappy,ssl,sasl,regex,lz4,sasl_plain,sasl_scram,plugins,zstd,sasl_oauthbearer, STATIC_LINKING GCC GXX PKGCONFIG INSTALL GNULD LDS LIBDL PLUGINS STATIC_LIB_zlib ZLIB STATIC_LIB_libcrypto STATIC_LIB_libssl SSL STATIC_LIB_libzstd ZSTD HDRHISTOGRAM SYSLOG SNAPPY SOCKEM SASL_SCRAM SASL_OAUTHBEARER CRC32C_HW, debug 0xfffff)
%7|1602410736.719|BRKMAIN|rdkafka#consumer-1| [thrd::0/internal]: :0/internal: Enter main broker thread

A full log is available as demo-parallel.log.

Broker log

This is all that the broker logs during a run of the parallel demo. This is exactly the same as for the serial test and there seems to be no problem.

[2020-10-11 11:06:27,216] INFO [GroupCoordinator 1001]: Preparing to rebalance group kafka-tr-issue-201011-pr in state PreparingRebalance with old generation 10 (__consumer_offsets-2) (reason: Adding new member rdkafka-06d13ae0-3a6d-4473-9cae-3bc3b6c4123e with group instance id None) (
[2020-10-11 11:06:27,217] INFO [GroupCoordinator 1001]: Stabilized group kafka-tr-issue-201011-pr generation 11 (__consumer_offsets-2) (
[2020-10-11 11:06:27,218] INFO [GroupCoordinator 1001]: Assignment received from leader for group kafka-tr-issue-201011-pr for generation 11 (
[2020-10-11 11:06:27,244] INFO [TransactionCoordinator id=1001] Initialized transactionalId with producerId 0 and producer epoch 5 on partition __transaction_state-26 (kafka.coordinator.transaction.TransactionCoordinator)
[2020-10-11 11:06:31,121] INFO [GroupCoordinator 1001]: Member[ None, rdkafka-06d13ae0-3a6d-4473-9cae-3bc3b6c4123e] in group kafka-tr-issue-201011-pr has left, removing it from the group (
[2020-10-11 11:06:31,121] INFO [GroupCoordinator 1001]: Preparing to rebalance group kafka-tr-issue-201011-pr in state PreparingRebalance with old generation 11 (__consumer_offsets-2) (reason: removing member rdkafka-06d13ae0-3a6d-4473-9cae-3bc3b6c4123e on LeaveGroup) (
[2020-10-11 11:06:31,121] INFO [GroupCoordinator 1001]: Group kafka-tr-issue-201011-pr with generation 12 is now empty (__consumer_offsets-2) (

The logs

The main difference that the logs immediately show is that there is some "retry" operations when the times are bad:

%7|1602410740.607|RETRY|rdkafka#producer-2| [thrd:TxnCoordinator]: TxnCoordinator/1001: Retrying AddOffsetsToTxnRequest (v0, 102 bytes, retry 1/3, prev CorrId 50) in 100ms
%7|1602410740.707|RETRY|rdkafka#producer-2| [thrd:TxnCoordinator]: TxnCoordinator/1001: Moved 1 retry buffer(s) to output queue

However it is unclear to me what the cause of this is. There is one additional line that indicates some transaction error:

%7|1602410740.608|ADDPARTS|rdkafka#producer-2| [thrd:main]: TxnCoordinator/1001: AddPartitionsToTxn response: partition "demooutput1602410701": [0]: Broker: Producer attempted to update a transaction while another concurrent operation on the same transaction was ongoing

That I do not know how to correct either.


It is unclear to me if this is a bug in librdkafka or the python binding.

It is clear as day that the parallel processing should be faster than a serial one, but as the demo showcases it being 6 times slower.


Reproduction demo of a Kafka transactional producer issue that affects performance.






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