C parameteric Bitmap generation and drawing utility
Utility to genearte bitmap files according to the BMP/DIB file format (bitmap) The BITMAPV5HEADER type is used as the DIB header spec'd here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/wingdi/ns-wingdi-bitmapv5header
- Creates bitmap images according to V5 format from C-code
- Saves files in RGB565 16 bit colour mode
- Create any sixe image with specified background colour
- Draw lines,Squares and Rectangles
- Draw circles
- Option to exclude/include padding in image pixel data
Revision History:
12 July 2019 : Added line,rectangle and square drawing, added circle function
9 July 2019 : First version, Generates any size BMP of 16 bit RGB565 colour format, 4 colours but many can be added
The specific format here is as follows:
Bytes 0-13 : Bitmap header Bytes 14..137 DIB header Bytes 138... Pixel array data
See bmp_gen.h for the specific header format structure
Make a 200,200 red filled 16 bit RGB565 bitmap called RED.bmp imMakeFilledBmpImageRGB565( "RED.bmp",200,200,imRED);
Compatibility info:
Tested under Windows with GNU compiler, using CodeBlocks IDE
Coloured bitmaps