Highly customizable tool for generating responsive images.
- Responsive images 🌠
- Optimize images with imagemin 🗜
- Convert images to modern formats such as WebP and AVIF 📸
- You can run it from the CLI ⌨️
- Works with Gulp, Webpack and as JS library 🦄
npm i -D @flexis/srcset
# or
yarn add -D @flexis/srcset
npx srcset [...sources] [...options]
# or
yarn exec -- srcset [...sources] [...options]
Option | Description | Default |
sources | Source image(s) glob patterns. | required |
‑‑help, -h | Print this message. | |
‑‑verbose, -v | Print additional info about progress. | |
‑‑match, -m | Glob patern(s) or media query(ies) to match image(s) by name or size. | all images |
‑‑width, -w | Output image(s) widths to resize, value less than or equal to 1 will be detected as multiplier. | no resize |
‑‑format, -f | Output image(s) formats to convert. | no convert |
‑‑skipOptimization | Do not optimize output images. | false |
‑‑noScalingUp | Do not generate images with higher resolution than they's sources are. | false |
‑‑dest, -d | Destination directory. | required |
srcset "src/images/*.jpg" --match "(min-width: 1920px)" --width 1920,1280,1024,860,540,320 --format jpg,webp -d static/images
Option | Type | Description | Default |
processing | Partial<IProcessingConfig> | Object with Sharp configs for each supported format. | see defaults.ts |
optimization | Partial<IOptimizationConfig> | Object with imagemin plugins for each format. | see defaults.ts |
skipOptimization | boolean | Do not optimize output images. | false |
scalingUp | boolean | Generate images with higher resolution than they's sources are. | true |
postfix | Postfix | Postfix string or function to generate postfix for image. | see defaults.ts |
Extends common options.
Option | Type | Description | Default |
concurrency | number | Concurrency limit. | os.cpus().length |
limit | Limit | p-limit's limit. | pLimit(concurrency) |
Extends common options.
Option | Type | Description | Default |
match | Matcher | There is support of 3 types of matchers: 1. Glob pattern of file path; 2. Media query to match image by size; 3. (path: string, size: ISize, source: Vinyl) => boolean function. |
all images |
format | SupportedExtension | SupportedExtension[] | Output image(s) formats to convert. | no convert |
width | number | number[] | Output image(s) widths to resize, value less than or equal to 1 will be detected as multiplier. | [1] |
Configuration file is optional. If needed, can be defined through .srcsetrc
(JSON file) or .srcsetrc.js
in the root directory of the project.
Supported options, extends common options:
Option | Type | Description | Default |
src | string | string[] | Source image(s) glob patterns. | required |
rules | IRule[] | Rules. | [] |
verbose | boolean | Print additional info about progress. | false |
dest | string | Destination directory. | required |
You can use @flexis/srcset
with Gulp:
import srcSet from '@flexis/srcset/lib/stream';
gulp.task('images', () =>
match: '(min-width: 3000px)',
width: [1920, 1280, 1024, 860, 540, 320],
format: ['jpg', 'webp']
}, {
match: '(max-width: 3000px)',
width: [1, .5],
format: ['jpg', 'webp']
}], {
skipOptimization: true
Plugin options:
First argument is IRule[], second argument extends common options:
Option | Type | Description | Default |
verbose | boolean | Print additional info about progress. | false |
Module exposes next API:
export default SrcSetGenerator;
export {
import {
promises as fs
} from 'fs';
import SrcSetGenerator from '@flexis/srcset';
import Vinyl from 'vinyl';
async function generate() {
const path = 'src/background.jpg';
const contents = await fs.readFile(path);
const source = new Vinyl({
const srcSet = new SrcSetGenerator();
const images = srcSet.generate(source, {
width: [1920, 1280, 1024, 860, 540, 320],
format: ['jpg', 'webp']
for await (const image of images) {
image.base = './static';
await fs.writeFile(image.path, image.contents);