Short: Exports a local Active Directory Certificate Services (ADCS) Certification Authority (CA) certificate database (DB) to a log file, converts that log to CSV, then (optionally) uploads that data to a Log Analytics (LA) workspace. Subsequent runs pick up where the last one stopped, only the new request IDs are exported and uploaded.
From there, you can do !exciting! things like:
- Enjoy orders-of-magnitude faster queries about certificate issuance/failure and related stats
- Reference historical certificate issuance in Log Analytics/Microsoft Sentinel queries/threat hunting
- Understand usage patterns, trends and issues for your Windows-based Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), including Root, Issuing CAs and Standalone CAs. Enterprise-integrated or not.
- Use Azure Monitor Workbooks to provide comfortable reporting insights (in progress) (see Wiki )
TACARS automates the process of going from the CA database to CSV to Log Analytics. It also supports watermarks (starting from the last record sent) to minimize cost, but that doesn't guarantee accuracy.
Hey, did you notice the Wiki?
2023-08-17 - Looks like Microsoft Defender for Identity (MDI) might be a better way of doing some aspects of this, at least for Online CAs. See . To use MDI with ADCS, you simply install the MDI sensor on your ADCS server(s).
2023-06-01 - Note: The Data Collector API used by TACARS is being deprecated (Update: in September 2026), so the Log Analytics upload script needs modification to use DCRs and DCEs to survive that approaching event. Will MDI get there first?
2022-11-08 - Minor Workbook update
2022-05-14 - LargeLogger and Process-Certutil updates to capture new SID information (KB5014754) when present in certificates
2022-04-04 - Doc updates to cover the Everything, EverythingCurrent modes.
2022-01-28 - Possible future alternative - my old friends at PKI Solutions cryptically suggest they're working on something which sounds related ... If TACARS doesn't adequately meet your needs, maybe check them out...
2021-11-26 - Added NOUPLOAD switch to GO.CMD, which stops after exporting to CSV. Use with the ExtraBackup variable set to get unique CSVs per run.
The Collector etc is designed to run locally on a CA in this release.
It does support export of the CSV files produced to a second location by simple file copy, though - edit GO.CMD and
modify the ExtraBackup line, eg SET ExtraBackup=\\BACKUPS\CAData
Can be installed system-wide or in its own little subfolder. to set one up. No additional library or agent is needed, we just use the LA REST API for uploads.
Note: Uploading is optional, and can be skipped by using the NOUPLOAD switch with Go.CMD. CSV artifacts will be produced if uploading is disabled.
Suggestion: Read through the whole section before starting! (Or just go for it...)
This'll help you set some variables over the next few steps. If it's already installed systemwide, no problem. If you want to install it isolated (eg, just for TACARS), that's covered in step 2.
Copy the contents of the repo into a folder - we'll use D:\TACARS as our example. You can either do git magic for that if you're super pro, or hit Code->Download Zip from the Github button thingy at the top right, and extract the Zip to that folder...
(First time only, or for every variation you need)
In that folder, make a copy of GO_TEMPLATE.CMD
- we'll use GO.CMD
as our name.
It's time to edit GO.CMD in your favourite text editor.
You'll need to add your Log Analytics Workspace ID and Key in GO.CMD, and set your proxy URL if you need one.
Edit these lines, making sure not to add spaces near the equals signs (=) - CMD is compact, and means what it says!
SET WORKSPACEID=12345678-blah-blah-blah-123456780123
SET WORKSPACEKEY=Base64encodingmeansthisisactuallyaSemiPlausibleOutcomebutthekeygoeshere==
You can also edit the type of requests you want to collect, by editing the line
Here are the suggested alternatives:
CollectionTarget | Description |
AllRequests |
(default) Every request still in the CA database [2], whether issued, denied, failed, revoked. This is the obvious option for detailed investigation at a given point in time, and provides the best visibility of all activity (still) recorded by the CA DB |
ActiveCertsBasic |
Certificates which were issued successfully [2], which are still within their validity period |
IssuedCertsBasic |
Certificates which were issued successfully at any point [2] |
Issued30Day |
Certs issued in the last 30 days |
Denied30Day |
Requests which didn't make it in the last 30 days |
Everything |
Everything! |
EverythingCurrent |
Everything which hasn't expired (expanded ActiveCertsBasic) |
Each CollectionTarget listed above is a built-in option implemented in LargeLogger.cmd
- inspect that file for other possible pre-existing options! Every collection option supported by LargeLogger is assumed to be supported, but hasn't been tested. You can make your own too - see the Wiki for ideas.
And finally, you can edit the table name. I haven't sorted out what to do about versioning here yet, so you can manually version any collection into a specific (new) LA table, which will show up about 5-10 minutes after the first upload to a newly-named table.
defaults to the computer name if blank, use SET TABLENAME=%COMPUTERNAME%20210101
or similar for versioning.
(Or call it Julio? Julio is a fine name for a table.)
TACARS was originally made for PS 5.1, but the feature and performance benefits of PS7 turned out to be very compelling!
It wouldn't be hard to retrofit for PS 5.1 again, accepting a few limitations and ~50% performance, so if you need that, go for it! Otherwise, an isolated PS7 instance is the recommended option.
If you've got PS7 installed system-wide, you (probably) need to edit the line:
... Assuming the system PATH contains the path to the PWSH EXE.
But if you want to install PS7 in an isolated folder, you can! (And on a production CA, arguably should!)
Here's how:
eg: if we're in D:\TACARS
now, I'd suggest D:\TACARS\PS7
And depending on where you extracted to, change the line
(and it wasn't, btw!)
You can use a relative (more flexible) or fully-qualified (more robust) path to PWSH as needed.
- Open an Admin command prompt in
- Run
- (Or run
if you just want the CSV output)
- (Or run
- Marvel at the speed with which things run (no, really, PS7 is super impressive)
- Check for and fix any errors!
- Report any problems!
Oh yes, it'll happen.
If the problem's during the upload, easy option is to Delete all the files beginning with the name
of your upload type (del AllRequests*.*
), then run it again, use query filters to exclude one result
set, or just use a different table name.
Harder: selectively edit the *-Watermark-Last.txt
file for the query type to reset the maximum
request ID to your chosen value, and re-run from there...
Hardest: just fix it all for me, there's a dear.
General fragility/fiddliness
- TACARS initial release is cobbleware, not engineering! It's designed to be Proof Of Concept-y.
- Maybe later it'll be the Totally Awesome CA Reporting System! Maybe...
- But designed so that if it runs once, it'll run next time as well, and just upload the new IDs since last time
Assume you'll need a new LA table occasionally
- Log Analytics currently retains records for up to 2 years
- and is read-only once records are uploaded
- This could be a benefit or a hazard for CA reporting
- Keep in mind that the LA table is not a live copy of the CA database
- You may need to run AllRequests / ActiveCertsBasic to another table in order to see any changes
- Example: When you issue a request, disposition changes to 20 - if that happens for a request issued in the past, you won't see that in the next upload, you need a complete new DB upload to see that.
- Log Analytics currently retains records for up to 2 years
There's an odd set of dependencies between the logging systems, which results in the last log being overwritten when there's nothing new to do.
- Assume this is by-design for this version, but considering a more integrated logging system for future versions.
[1] aka TristanK's Awful CA Reporting System, but that didn't seem like it'd sell!
[2] Couple of things about "DB" history: certutil -deleterow
will purge requests from the CA database,
and you can configure the CA not to log issuance of certain templates in the database at all. TACARS
can only report on requests it can find, so if you've purged a buncha requests from the database, it's
not going to find them [3].
[3] Other methods might, though, like CA Auditing - they might still be visible from the CA Event Logs, if they're being collected and archived somewhere. See editorial in [4].
[4] General Windows Event Log archival/collection is considered a solved problem by this project. TACARS is more about the forensic value remaining in the database itself. Not logging something to the DB implies two things: 1- it's so short-lived that it's not of value, or 2- it's so low-value it's not worth logging [5]. There's a CA-level switch as well as a template-level switch required to implement non-logging, so it has already been considered twice in most cases...
[5] Not all human decisions are good ones.