Setup guide for TR Autonomy recruits
Congratulations and welcome to the Autonomy team! Before we can jump into coding, we need to setup our environment first. To run our code in TR, you need at least 2 things: Ubuntu and ROS2
- Ubuntu is a Distro that runs on Linux, which is a type of Operating System.
- ROS2 (Robot Operating System) is a combination of software libraries to develop robotics projects, best run on ubuntu.
We recommend setting up Ubuntu either by simulating it through a Virtual Machine or through Dual Boot. Here are a couple of the tradeoffs of each:
- Virtual Machine tends to be slower than Dual-Boot due to simulating a second machine on your current machine. But it is safer, and much less likely to mess up your machine.
- Dual-Boot involves downloading a second operating system that you can switch between on starting up your computer. It is fast, but can be bad if you mess it up and is hard to setup on Mac devices.
Here's a pretty good guide on installing Ubuntu:
And one that uses Rufus if BalenaEtcher isn't working:
Example of a running version of Ubuntu
Once you have a running Ubuntu install, follow these directions to install ROS2 Humble (I recommend the Desktop Install):
Make sure to install using the debian packages, not from source! (Recommend desktop install).
If you can get a publisher and a talker running in terminal, congratulations! You've just setup your environment. Just make sure to take a screenshot of ubuntu and commit it to your work of this repository. Before you move on to week 1, we now recommend:
- brushing up on C++ (link)
- reading the ROS2 humble documentation
- setting up your preferred IDE
More resources can be accessed by clicking the "CV Training Resources badge" at the top of the README to see the relevant chapters. To complete this assignment, take a screenshot of ubuntu running, add it to this git repo, and commit+push it.