ElectronicObserverExtended implements Plugin APIs introduced by tsanie's fork. This allows developers to add functionalities that can be distributed in a .dll file.
To maintain compatibility with plugins developed for tsanie's fork, ElectronicObserverExtended chains a FiddlerCore proxy in front of Nekoxy. ElectronicObserverExtended with no plugins installed should behave exactly the same as the original ElectronicObserver, except:
- It by default uses UTF-8 as file encoding.
- It always respect system proxy settings, as designed by FiddlerCore.
Download Extended / 拡張版のダウンロード
The Joint Operation ver. does not support Gecko Browser with Firefox kernel.
Other/Information/ に艦これのAPIや仕様についての情報を掲載しています。
- DynamicJson (JSON データの読み書き) - Ms-PL
- DynaJson (JSON データの読み書き) - MIT License
- DockPanel Suite (ウィンドウレイアウト) - MIT License
- Nekoxy (通信キャプチャ) - MIT License
- FiddlerCore - End User License Agreement for FiddlerCore
- 配布サイト:ブルネイ工廠電気実験部 (バグ報告・要望等はこちらにお願いします)
- 開発:Andante
- 拡張版開発:中国ホワイト(アルバム)学院
- 魔改造:Mochizuki_Mk19