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Eric Tucker edited this page Mar 21, 2017 · 1 revision

If you want to paginate your query and keep the url query string without having to use:

{!! $pages->appends(Input::except('page'))->render() !!}

The paginateFilter() and simplePaginateFilter() methods accept the same input as Laravel's paginator and returns the respective paginator.

class UserController extends Controller
	public function index(Request $request)
        $users = User::filter($request->all())->paginateFilter();

        return view('users.index', compact('users'));


    public function simpleIndex(Request $request)
        $users = User::filter($request->all())->simplePaginateFilter();

        return view('users.index', compact('users'));

In your view $users->render() will return pagination links as it normally would but with the original query string with empty input ignored.

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