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Log into Tyk Dashboard using LDAP

Martin Buhr edited this page Jan 13, 2016 · 2 revisions
	"ActionType": "GenerateOrLoginUserProfile",
	"ID": "4",
	"OrgID": "{YOUR-ORG-ID}",
	"ProviderConfig": {
		"FailureRedirect": "http://http://{DASH-DOMAIN}:{DASH-PORT}/?fail=true",
		"LDAPAttributes": [],
		"LDAPPort": "389",
		"LDAPServer": "localhost",
		"LDAPUserDN": "cn=*USERNAME*,cn=dashboard,ou=Group,dc=test-ldap,dc=tyk,dc=io"
	"ProviderName": "ADProvider",
	"ReturnURL": "http://http://{DASH-DOMAIN}:{DASH-PORT}/tap",
	"Type": "passthrough"

Step 1: Send a request to the LDAP URL

TIB can pull a username and password out of a request in two ways:

  1. Two form fields called "username" and "password"
  2. A basic auth header using the Basic Authentication standard form

By default, TIB will look for the two form fields. To enable Basic Auth header extraction, add "GetAuthFromBAHeader": true to the ProviderConfig section.

The request should be a POST.

If you make this request with a valid user that can bind to the LDAP server, Tyk will redirect the user to the dashboard with a valid session. There's no more to it, this mechanism is pass-through and is transparent to the user, with TIB acting as a direct client to the LDAP provider.

Note The LDAPUserDN field MUST contain the special *USERNAME* marker in order to construct the users OU properly.

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