MixFA(mixed method formative assessment) dataset
There are 7 mixFA question with 987 student responses for both MCQ question answers and prompted self-explanation. And we share the data coding manual with the labeled data here to contribute to the community.
Please review the document code manual to see how we label the data
Please review the document code book to see the label and example for each question.
Please review all the labeled data here.
We present descriptive statistics of the mixFA dataset. There are on average 17 codes (representing unique student ideas) in each question, indicating that emerging student ideas and reasoning go beyond the options in MCQs. There are on average 22% correct MCQ answers with wrong explanations and 47% wrong MCQ answers with correct explanations. The reason behind the relatively high percentage of wrong MCQ answers with correct explanations is that students may select incomplete answers in multiple select questions and write correct explanations for what they had understood. And the correct MCQ answers with wrong explanations are due to students presenting some misconceptions beyond the knowledge shown in MCQ options. The mismatch between the correctness of the answers and the correctness of the explanations suggests that the free-text explanations provide additional insights into students' prior knowledge and misconceptions.