What's Changed
Revisions to ReCiPe LCIA mapping:
- Add beta-cyfluthrin as target for cyfluthrin in #165
- expand recipe glufosinate-ammonium to FEDEFL glufosinate in #169
- expanding recipe nitrogen oxides (as nitrogen dioxide) to fedefl nitrogen oxides in #168
- Added proxies to emissions of elementary metals in #167
- expand recipe fenoxaprop-ethyl to fedefl fenoxaprop-p-ethyl in #171
- pasture and managed forest as proxies for land use grassland/shrubland in #166
- expand recipe vanadium(v) to fedefl vanadium(v) in #173
- recipe2016: direct expansions for Ba(II), Be(II) and Tin(II) in #187
New flows in v1.3.0:
- Add 'Aldehydes, unspecified' as flowable in #163
- new flowables and primary contexts from ecoinvent3.10 in #186
- Adds flows for Cumulative Energy Demand LCIA method in #207
- Adds new toxic organic flows (#202)
- Adds Wood, primary forest (#196)
- Fixes spelling error for Copper(I) sulfide (#206)
- Updates units for Manganese-55 to kg from kbq
Other updates:
- Distinguish list from tool version; bump to v1.3.0 in #209
1836 new flows
26 expired_flows due to name and unit change
Full Changelog: v1.2.4...v1.3.0